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Originally posted by iain:

That's good to hear. Did he say what he's up to next?

He just got done teaching FBI agents on Rainier. He seems to be doing a lot of consulting work with the special forces. It sounds like he is trying to have a kid, and so wants to be around a bit more. He did a 3 hour deal w/ some of us (horrors!) Mazamas at Climb Max on Sunday and was pretty mellow compared to the slideshow where he was definitely in stage mode. He is trying to spread the light-is-right gospel to the military and law enforcement agencies. Good luck. Hopefully they comprehend his results.

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Originally posted by Dru:

ya, otherwise necro might have to buy beer for alex bertulis or pete doorish or something

Hi, Ms. Tread drift here. Anyone seen Alex lately? He was a great gym partner for me for a year or so and then mysteriously fell off the face of the earth. Is he maybe living FT at his place in Hood River?

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Dr. Flash Amazing will trump all of you fools with a winter ascent of the remote and daunting 5 Gallon Buckets face of the awe-inspiring Morning Glory Wall of Smith Rock. Located deep in the wilderness of central Oregon, the intimidating and rarely attempted 5-GB Wall has never seen a winter ascent, and has seen few ascents in other seasons as well, due to the hellishly arduous approach and complete lack of solid protection options.

Sorry, Doc, but friends poached the FWA at midnight on 1/1/2000 in full conditions. Although losing their way on the obscure approach numerous times, and daunted by the final headwall crux, all members of the party did eventually summit, fortified by appropriate high-performance supplements, such as 12 year old single-malt. However, much to our regret, one party member was believed lost in a crevasse on the descent, and an epic retreat to the base camp ensued, with a reported marathon 15-minute death march from the base of the high camp near the final summit. Much to the surprise of the climbing party, the 'lost' climber reappeared several minutes later, having reportedly lost his way in the series of steps cut by the Sherpa team, and then taking a leak in the bushes before reorienting himself for the arduous crawl back to base camp (which you may read about in his upcoming book, 'Fingering the Void.').

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