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La Pine area climbing?


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You might also try cruising to Redpoint in Bend or the Metolius factory and asking for bouldering beta on areas like Sisters, Home Depot boulders, and the Tick Ranch. There's also the Zone at Mt. Bachelor Village (iffy access, keep a low profile), and the Awbrey Glen golf course in Bend (best in winter when the course is closed, or at least late in the evening when golfers are few; again, super-dodgy access, but stellar bouldering).


[ 08-23-2002, 11:12 AM: Message edited by: Dr Flash Amazing ]

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Yeah, DFA used to live in Bend. Meadow camp does exist, and has some fun stuff, mainly bouldering, with some short topropeable stuff and those crack things that the traditional climber types like to do.


From highway 97, heading south into Bend:


Take the Parkway (the PARKWAY! Ooohhhhh!) to the exit at Colorado St. (the Doc is pretty sure this is the Industrial Area exit; it might also mention Mt. Bachelor, which is the direction you'll be heading). Follow the exit straight onto Colorado, and stay on Colorado 'til it meets up with Century Drive (that's the road to Mt. Bachelor), at which point you will take a left.


You'll pass some fancy subdivisions on Century, as well as Mt. Bachelor Village, a hotel, and then the houses will kind of peter out. Once you are almost through a large open area (from a fire about ten years ago) and the juniper forest starts up again, slow down and look for a small brown sign on the right which reads "Meadow Picnic Area." Take a left there, and follow the cinder road to the river, where there's a turnaround/parking area (perhaps half a mile from the main road). You'll know you've missed the turn if you start passing a large golf course/development on your left, which starts right at the road to Meadow Camp.


Looking to the left (i.e. down-river) from the parking area, you'll see the rock outcroppings. The boulders are scattered on the hill between the cliff and the river, and continue for a ways downriver before disappearing (some exploring from the main concentration of rock will yield more bouldering). The low cliff band is obvious from the trail along the river (perhaps 50 yds. uphill from the river). Watch out for ticks, as these insidious menaces are all over the place at most Central Oregon bouldering areas.


[ 08-23-2002, 12:02 PM: Message edited by: Dr Flash Amazing ]

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Originally posted by sk:

[big Grin]
hopefuly we will see you this fall at Smith, no?

You are quite welcome! Hopefully you enjoy it! It's not the best bouldering on earth, but there's plenty of fun stuff to do, and it's only ten minutes away from the Deschutes Brewery, so you can't go wrong.


Perhaps you will see DFA at Smith this season, but time will tell if he reveals his true identity. The Dr. Flash Amazing phenomenon has been around for quite a while now, and so far only three people besides the Doctor and his favorite nurse know who he is. Hard to resist keeping up the charade!

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Originally posted by forrest_m:

i don't know, doc, your identity may be secret for now... but sooner or later you'll slip up, someone will put two and two together... we'll get you yet!

It's been about two years so far, with only the two discoveries, one of which led to the discoverer and his partner knowing DFA's identity (which resulted from a STUPID slip-up--derrrr). You might try asking him if you really want to know, although he's kept pretty quiet so far. It's one of the Smith regulars who happens to climb 5.14 ... The other one moved to SLC a while ago, and made the discovery via a clue that would be fairly obvious to most of DFA's PDX acquaintances, but even then, the guy wasn't 100% sure until the Doc relented and let him know. Of course, that was on the now defunct former stomping ground of the Doctor, the fabulous crag.com


DFA is a wily old weasel, and does his best to avoid capture.


[ 08-23-2002, 01:19 PM: Message edited by: Dr Flash Amazing ]

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but just think, if you out your self than you and your sexy nurse can join the pubclub sillyness [big Grin] bend pubclubs are most plab [Wink] and some of us have talked about having a eugene&pdx pubclub. You don't want to miss all the fun do you [Razz][Razz][Razz]

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DFA wrote:



You might try asking him if you really want to know

oh what would the fun of that be? it would imply more than a casual, ironic sort of interest



made the discovery via a clue that would be fairly obvious to most of DFA's PDX acquaintances

see, this is just what i'm talkin' about. some day you'll post something like "so i was workin on ______ and i blew three clips in a row" and it will just so happen that someone else here was hanging out at the base and remembers it... i've seen it happen a thousand times. [Wink]

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theres a better bouldering spot just past the left turn to meadows, keep going about 1/4 mile down cascade lks hwy, just about right across from the enterance to widgi creek golf course, hang a right into the woods and drive a ways in, super secret boulder spot.


as i said before also, there is some great lines, some bolted, a quick hike outside of Shevlin Park, i'll show you guys next time yer in town

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see, this is just what i'm talkin' about. some day you'll post something like "so i was workin on ______ and i blew three clips in a row" and it will just so happen that someone else here was hanging out at the base and remembers it... i've seen it happen a thousand times.


Yeah, that would be the most likely mode of discovery, so you could put the puzzle together that way. Then again, it might be easiest to spot DFA this fall by seeing what he's not climbing ...


Good luck, suckas, and if you figure it out, the Doctor will be happy to meet you! [Moon]


Bwa ha ha ha ha haaaaa!






[ 08-23-2002, 01:34 PM: Message edited by: Dr Flash Amazing ]

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cool!!!!! we should begin weekly sojurns to our favrite bend area hangouts fairly soon. ofcourse, generly you can only see one Krueger at a time [big Grin] we look forword to seeing you Timm@y [big Grin][big Grin]


[ 08-23-2002, 02:00 PM: Message edited by: sk ]

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Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing:

... ... Meadow camp does exist, and has some fun stuff, mainly bouldering, with some short topropeable stuff and those crack things that the traditional climber types like to do ... ...

I've been wondering about this place since I saw the photo in the Metolius catalog. Thanks for the extensive and detailed beta!!!


How long until we see DFA's photo on wanted posters around the Bend area for leaking such classified and sensitive information? [laf]

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Quoth JKrueger

How long until we see DFA's photo on wanted posters around the Bend area for leaking such classified and sensitive information?

Balls! Keeping crags secret is ridiculous and selfish (especially when they're on public lands -- give the Doctor a fucking break!). Not to mention basically everyone and their dog knows where Meadow Camp is, and it's not SO good that it's going to get totally overrun. As far as DFA knows, Tick Ranch, Home Depot, and Sisters (and whatever else the Bend area bouldering posses have uncovered) boulders are all on public lands, so have at 'em!


Other areas like the Zone and the golf course bouldering are more likely to cause more problems, but obviously no golf course is ever going to open up their fairways to bouldering anyway, so the access sensitivity question is somewhat moot. Plus you never know if they're going to charge you with trespassing too--more thrills for your bouldering buck!


[ 08-23-2002, 12:53 PM: Message edited by: Dr Flash Amazing ]

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