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So the appearance of this line in a post about the events in Beslan is merely an elegant sweep of rhetoric, not meant to imply anything specific:


Pathetic. The media lies and more people die.


Maybe you should be more careful with your incredibly overblown generalizations. thumbs_down.gif


Please Sloth –


The post is about media bias. The example used to illustrate this bias is not the subject of the post.


Now the media lies people die quote is taken from the oft used “Bush lied people died” often used by liberal fucktards. (Am I using that term correctly?) Again the tie in is to domestic politics.




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Which Ukrainian genocide, when? Do tell.


I agree that media bias can cost lives, I just think PP is being ridiculous. Sudan is not on the front page every day, even though more people have died there than in southern Russia.


10 million people in 1931? You have never heard of it? While you are talking about Sudan, why not mention the Congo which could be as many as 10 million as well?

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Which Ukrainian genocide, when? Do tell.




I agree that media bias can cost lives, I just think PP is being ridiculous. Sudan is not on the front page every day, even though more people have died there than in southern Russia.


Slothy - learn some history. By the way when PBS ran adocumentary based on Robert Conquests work the "media uproar was so great that they had to have apanel of "experts" discuss the documentary and provide the other side. Of course after the fall fo the Soviet Union it became obvious that the other side was full of shit. One of RC's books "Harvest of Sorrow" had by this time become out of print. The story goes that when asked by the publishers to come up with a new title for a revised edition he suggested "I fucking told you so"


Probably not true but a good story nonetheless.


Just another example of left wing bias.

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Walter Duranty, a NYT writer was in cahoots with the soviets and refused to publish anything that was anti-soviet. In 1932, he got a pullitzer because he said there was no genocide going on and he portrayed the soviet transformation in glowing lights. He also wrote soviet propaganda in the NTY. His pulitzer has since been revoked because after the fall of the curtain, the history has leaked out and the rage of teh Ukranians has been heard.

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True enough. Any media bias which could endanger lives is ludicrous. Obviously both sides have it and one must look into the bias that they are encountering in their pursuit of the knowledge in the goings on in the World. I cannot believe that Jennifer Anniston's new hair style would take precedence over the massacre of 11 million people. This in itself is media bias; not political media bias per se, but media bias none the less. In Iraq, you have the right avoidig the casualties and on the left they avoid the sucesses. Uninformend public opinions of this nature could very well cost lives as public opinion (to some extent) drive political momentums. The whole thing stinks. When it is a blatant as the Ukranian Genocide story, it is hard to even watch news at all though.

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