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Kerry's Counterpunch


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If a democrat counterpunches, would that be a Donkey Punch?


At a speech to firefighters today:


Over the last week or so, a group called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth has been attacking me. Of course, this group isn’t interested in the truth – and they’re not telling the truth. They didn’t even exist until I won the nomination for president.

But here’s what you really need to know about them. They’re funded by hundreds of thousands of dollars from a Republican contributor out of Texas. They’re a front for the Bush campaign. And the fact that the President won’t denounce what they’re up to tells you everything you need to know—he wants them to do his dirty work.


Thirty years ago, official Navy reports documented my service in Vietnam and awarded me the Silver Star, the Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts. Thirty years ago, this was the plain truth. It still is. And I still carry the shrapnel in my leg from a wound in Vietnam.


As firefighters you risk your lives everyday. You know what it’s like to see the truth in the moment. You’re proud of what you’ve done—and so am I.


Of course, the President keeps telling people he would never question my service to our country. Instead, he watches as a Republican-funded attack group does just that. Well, if he wants to have a debate about our service in Vietnam, here is my answer: “Bring it on.”


Your move Mr. Rove.


I'm thinking the next character slur will be the "honored by the Vietnamese communists" angle. Any other ideas? Will the jackasses, uhh I mean donkey team, run a similar slur campaign against Bush? Plenty of potential issues there. Anyone care to predict?

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MoveOn had a pretty vicious attack on Bush's record that they were going to air in battleground states, but Kerry asked them not to. I think you can still see it at their website. I guess asking them not to air the ad is surely political too, though I do like the higher ground.

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Politics are funny/sad these days. As far as I'm concerned, whether Rep or Dem, federal politicians are all jack asses. None of them should ever claim to understand and relate to us regular folks because they don't want to and don't really care. All they want to do is feel powerful and get re-elected. Giant ego trip... not about real need to serve the public. Maybe your local town mayor, city counsel member or even state government legislator may still have respectable motives to "serve the public"... but by the time you get to the big leagues in Washington it isn't about doing what is right for the little people or necessary what is right for big business fat cats, it is all about doing what is right for ME the people, not WE the people. Exceptions of course, but by and large, politicians are so suck.

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"Swift boat veterans" ad is a complete fabrication. here are some articles:




Also Kerry was man enough to condemn the MoveOn ad for going over the top.

Unfortunately there is already another one from vet liars that is even worse.


Any informed person with a brain and a heart should vote for Kerry, or at least against Bush.

John Kerry has a Plan to Give Tax Breaks to Corporations who Keep their Companies in the US, not like current republican tax cut for outsourcing companies.

Kerry is a thinking man, that knows that most political issues are complicated (nuanced). Also he realizes that rich can live without tax cuts, but the rest of us might actually need it. And health care should be a right not a luxury.

And here is an article that says that he will most likely win: http://www.abc.net.au/correspondents/content/2004/s1176250.htm

And here is quiz that might show that even though you might wanna vote for Bush,

on the issues you might be actually for Kerry: http://www.presidentmatch.com/Main.jsp2?cp=main


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