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New awesome bb!


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I'm setting up a new web based bulliten board at www.cascadeextreme8000hardpeople.com and invite a select few posters to make it their home. Losers need not apply.


If you can answer the following ten questions in the affirmative, you are elligable to post there. If not, stay here doomed to weirdness the rest of your days.


1 - can you recite from memory the last 10 climbs you've done move by move or have a photo sequence of each move?


2 - do you wait for just the right moment to post your witty response to this bulliten board?


3 - do you believe you are the funniest, smartest, hardest working and eloquent poster on this loser bulliten board?


4 - do you get the feeling your posts are not always appreicated here for some reason?


5 - have you ever put a jackass gaper in their place for asking a stupid question?


6 - is your time too valuable to attend any Pube clubs?

6b - if no to question 6, do you have nothing better to do on Tuesdays than go to every Pube club?


7 - have you ever been abitrarily (for no reason) attacked on this board?


8 - are you afraid of people finding out what you do all day?


9 - do you have moderator priviledges?

9b - if no to question 9, are you aware that the moderators are talking about you on the seceret moderators forum?


10 - do you anonymously criticize other people on this gay website after the opportunity to confront them has passed?


Ok, that's it. If you qualify (only if you get 10 out of 10 answers in yes), please log into the website at the address listed above. Good luck. thumbs_up.gif




Super secret extra credit question if you missed one:


Are you upset that I'm poking fun at you?


If you answer the super secret question "YES!" You are definetly in the club!

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I don't think your new website is going to be any different if it is "PAY TO SPRAY". we will just hire some Indian coder in Kathmandu. maybe go for acclimitization spray on rec.climbing, rockclimbing.com and nwhikers.net first. thank you to all the people that respond to my post already. We will overcome berksh.coms and make this a reality.

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w00t? I know some fools prefer sissy squats so it's not really fair to emphasize the deadlift. Besides that, I know one dude who can bench more than I can squat and that's just embarasing so max rep lifts are not considered at this time. However, in the tuture lifts may be part of the criteria, mainly bicept curling in the squat rack.


PS for all applicants, I pre-banned the IP address of a bunch of you whiners and set up the new awesome bb so if you are banned, instead of getting the log-in page you get kicked back to the homepage of cascadelosers.com


pss: if you are pre-banned from my new awesome board, send a pm to Jon or Timm@y, they seem to put up with your bs too much already and might give you some sympathy.


psss: any other suggestions for criteria to consider new people in the exclusive club just keep to yourself. You suck. Any posting of anything other than hero climbing pictures will result in immediate ridiculing. More rules to follow.

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I found a rap sling at the 17th belay of Vanishing Point during my recent free solo of the route. Post a TR about your failure on the new bb and i will give you your sling back, that is unless my girlfriend thinks its hott. Actually I should say "My new route near Vanishing Point" because I free soloed 5 feet to the left of the bolt line. I am Grading it "Layton 5.10X+".

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I played rugby in college is that enough to get me in? Will there be a keg-stand time-trail? Can I cheat on the stupid nerdy parts of whatever fuckin tests you guys make me do? Oh and I drive a really big truck, no not with a gun rack, fuck that racks are for pussies, if you can't shoot while driving you're a little bitch. Oh and I climb shit too.

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Hey, stop whining for a minute and you might get in, this is better than even explosive tip bb's.



more new rules regarding climbing gear:


If you think your climbing ability will improve by buying new gear (like different shoes for climbing slab or wide cracks) you may be elligable for entry. This is a fairly minor point but still valid.


If you have ever offered advice to someone on climbing gear based on trying something on in the store or simply unpackaging it and fondling it. I mean, sometimes you just know it's the best thing around. Same goes for stuff you crap on, eventhough everyone else in the free world climbs in soft shells now, you are probaly right that in reality, it blows goats and should be destroyed. Like I said, sometimes you just know.

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If you think your climbing ability will improve by buying new gear (like different shoes for climbing slab or wide cracks) you may be elligable for entry. This is a fairly minor point but still valid.


Hey bronco...fuck you moon.gif...i'm in your club for sure...


If you use indirect attacks you are eligible for the club too... yelrotflmao.gif

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If you've ever accused someone of making a "personal attack" you may be awarded one extra credit point, two if you actually complained to a moderator.


Anyone who has posted their political views with a drip of sincerity at this here web page

will be deducted one point for each printable page using a 12pt font of course.

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what if i'm a moderator and i've reported myself? confused.gif


That is an excellent question that most moderhators have already PM'd to me (along with like 40 other questions) so I will address your question here for your and their benefit.


Deduct 2 points from your score for asking STUPID QUESTIONS, (please refer to question 5 in the original post)so sorry, You are welcome to try again in 90 days.


(secret edit) I just realized I may not be able to keep up with all STUPID QUESTIONS asked on this thread so if you ask a question at all deduct 2 points. (end secret edit)

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