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Reagan speaks


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"The Bush Administration cannot be trusted."


"George W. Bush and his administration have taken normal mendacity to a startling new level far beyond lies of convenience."


"They traffic in big lies, indulge in any number of symptomatic small lies, and ultimately, have come to embody dishonesty itself. They are a lie. And people, finally, have started catching on."


"When Nobel laureates, a vast majority of the scientific community, and a host of current and former diplomats, intelligence operatives, and military officials line up against you, it becomes increasingly difficult to characterize the opposition as fringe wackos."


"Given candidate Bush's remarks, it was hard to imagine him, as president, flipping a stiff middle finger at the world and charging off adventuring in the Middle East."


"Even as of this writing, Dick Cheney clings to his mad assertion that Saddam was somehow at the nexus of a worldwide terror network."


"What followed was the usual administration strategy of stonewalling, obstruction and obfuscation."


"But image is everything in this White House, and that image of George Bush as a noble and infallible warrior in the service of his nation must be fanatically maintained, because behind the image lies*nothing?"


"He is ineloquent not because he cannot speak but because he doesn't bother to think."


"His Republican party, furthermore, seems a far cry from the current model, with its cringing obeisance to the religious Right and its kill-anything-that-moves attack instincts."


--Ron Reagan

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Whoa, for a second, I thought this thread was going to report that Ronnie Sr.'s cold dead body sat up in his coffin and spoke.


I was prepared to be very afraid.


Wouldn't that be totally fucked up if you were in some meeting at work and the Rapture started and half the room started floated up toward the ceiling? I think I would shit my pants.




- a s s m moon.gif n k e y

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Lake Of Fire

by Meat Puppets


Where do bad folks go when they die?

They don't go to heaven where the angels fly

They go to a lake of fire and fry

see 'em again till the Fourth of July


I knew a lady who came from Duluth

Got bit by a dog with a rabid tooth

She went to her grave just a little too soon

flew and laid down on the yellow moon


Where do bad folks go when they die?

They don't go to heaven where the angels fly

They go to a lake of fire and fry

see 'em again till the Fourth of July


people cry and people moan

look for a dry place to call their home

try to find some place to rest their bones

While the angels and the devils

Try to make 'em their own


Where do bad folks go when they die?

They don't go to heaven where the angels fly

They go to a lake of fire and fry

see 'em again till the Fourth of July.

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