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Bouldering - Environmentally Unfriendly


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A lot of boulderees are hippy like creatures who go out in the beuutiful forest, hug the rock and think they are green! But despite the dope smokiing WHO is worse - loggers or boulderers???


You see I went to this Zekes Wall bouldering and was shocked. The clearcut from last year already has new trees planted and growing but I saw there bouldeers with wire brush scraping and destroying moss and lichens that were hundred to thousands of year old. This green living carpet will not so quickly grow back.


Also this issue of shitting in the woods, running around and eroding the ground with pads or digging out soils to make cave for sit start. In my home (europe) Meschia and now areas in Germany and Swiss are being closed permanently because of environmental distruction caused by bolderers.


You are all so suck and should be embarrased of way you treat your Mother Earth! mad.gif

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i bouldered there for 2 yrs before the logging, and many problems had been developed and boulders cleaned. yes i(we) scrubbed moss, u have to in order to climb. then the logging happened. the destruction that was caused was so out of proportion to the bouldering that i dont know how u can look past that to the climbers. and im almost sure that the marks you saw on boulders were caused by the chokers that the loggers use. giant cables used to move the downed trees to the edge of the cut so they can be hauled away. no wire brush can make those marks. but yes, we do have an impact and i think that almost everyone i have met out there is trying to somewhat take care of the place. i have removed trash from the logging, and i know others have to.

and 1 other thing, when i went on a climbing trip in europe, there was so much more shit at the climbing areas than i have ever seen here. climbers actually shit and leave there paper at the base of rts. i dont see how u can say we suck when u have those things going on in your part of the world. also boulderers are still a minority grp at the zekes area. every weekend hundreds of motorcyclists use that area leaving behind a shitload of trash. it sounds like your comments are due to a lack of information about the area

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It does bring up an interesting point about asthetics. The lichen on the boulders has been there as long as the trees, but for some reason, it's ok to get rid of the lichen but not the trees.


Boulderers are lichen killers!!! (all climbers are, but let's not get into that.)

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i only boulder on lichen-free, moss -free fresh rockfall wink.gif


and i drive a mad-max style vehicle powered by methane from pig shit - net carbon addition zero


and only eat meat from creatures that have died a natural death


and weave my clothes out of my own body hair!!!


top that mat-toting earth killers!

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