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Check out the new US Army uniform


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The Waffen SS was several divisions of hardcore frontline combat troops. Sort of like the Marine Corps or Ranger Regiment on steroids. They fought with great distinction on almost every front the Germans opened. There were portions of the SS that were involved in secret police activity, and used as concentration camp guards, but these guys are distinctly different than the WAFFEN SS. How can anyone forget they failed? If they hadn't you would be speaking deutsche right now and goose stepping to the office. Or maybe worse. I think everyone can agree that it's a good thing it didn't go that way for us.


"Loyalty is my honor"

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I'm supposed to be insulted, right?


Why be loyal to a dishonorable cause? Does loyalty to Hitler make an SS soldier honorable?


One of the hallmarks of the Bush administration has to be the way they value loyalty and conformity above responsibility and truth-telling.


Anyway, what was this thread about? This is a pretty cool uniform:



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I'm pretty sure there were Germans who knew that what they were doing was wrong and that their glorious leader was a psychopathic fuckwit too. Like my Uncle who was drafted at 16 and sent to the Russian front. What a choice. Serve an evil dictator and get killed, or surrender to an evil dictator and get killed.

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Dunno whatcha mean by background, Mr. Twilight of the Gods.


I'm sure that many Germans thought they were right. It's not like Goebbels was splashing photos of gassed Jews all over the front page of the FAZ, and Hitler was a rather convincing figure. After Versailles, restoring the honor of the Fatherland was pretty important to prideful nationalists, etc., etc., etc.


But in hindsight, the German cause was not honorable. Sorry. We can talk all we want about how the Waffen SS were disciplined, well-armed, tough, loyal, and fearless, but that doesn't make them model citizens. If all you expect of a soldier is raw warfighting ability, then great. But I'm not going to praise the SS without major qualifications.

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My greatgrandfather thought that Hitler was the best thing that had ever happened to Germany. Blind zeal. thumbs_down.gif


In some ways he was, at the time. He restored pride in being German and turned the economy around. Of course, the obvious downside was the millions of dead Jews, slaughtered slavs, and bombed out cities. Read "The Arms of Krupp", it's an interesting profile of not only the Krup family, but the inner workings of WWII German industrialism.

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I was looking up what 'gotterdamerung' is about and I found this neat picture:


Wagner, Ring of the Niebelungen, final of the four operas.


Rheingold, Die Walküre, Siegfried, and Götterdamerung


if you have not seen them, they are a beautiful insight into human interaction.

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