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Ah! Fresh meat for the rumble!


Your head is so far up your ass, Cracked, you sphincter is more of an AssBaklava than an AssHat. the_finger.gifboxing_smiley.gif

Ba-la-cla-va. Say it again. Ba-la-cla-va. WTF is a Baklava? confused.gif Or do you mean the tasty dessert? That stuff is goooood. thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.giffruit.gif
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I am surprised that GregW hasn't weighed in wazzup.gif. He must be trying to impress some climbing lass with good behavior.

Oh, puuulleeeze. moon.gif


Or else he is back in the "Closet Gays with Guns" chatroom again. the_finger.gifhahaha.gif


RUMBLE, BEEEEYOTCH!!! boxing_smiley.gif

HAHAHA ol' tinkerbell greggie poo!! HAHAHAHA

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