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Trailhead thefts


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About two months ago my SO's car was broken into at vantage. We've been on a run of bad luck w/thefts. Thankfully all they got that time was his wallet. He never leaves his wallet in his car, just a freaky coinkydink that he did that day. we were at exit 38 last fall when a bunch of cars were broken into. They had obviously been in my jeep but i left nothing in there to be stolen that day. in neither situation were the police of any use at all. the items in question didn't even merit a report.


i'm not sure what the police can do but car break ins are very frustrating. although, i'm sure there is limited time they have, they seem unwilling to spend any of it on this type of thing. my home has been the recent target of many car break ins. we don't have a garage and vehicles sit a ways from the house. we are convinced for several reasons that it is the same person each time. the police will only come take a report if the value of the items stole is really substantial. last time they came up but wouldn't dust the car for fingerprints b/c it was still damp and they didn't want to come back later when it was dry. in each case the officer has been very nice and courteous but totally unhelpful in solving the crime. my guess is that trailhead thefts are treated in the exact same way. they don't even pretend they'll follow up or do any additional investigation.

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Msg #

From: "David Krattli" <crossgeared@h...>

Date: Mon May 10, 2004 11:28 am

Subject: Tiger and ID theft





Just within the last week another form of theft within the cycling community

has come to my attention. We had a couple of gentlemen (and I use this term

loosely) come into our shop and charged a bike to their credit card. While

we where assembling the bike the gentlemen went to get some lunch. The

employee who was helping them approached our owner with some concerns about

the credit card they used. After doing some time-consuming research within

the voice mail systems of our "consumer oriented" credit card companies he

found out the card was a stolen account number. He reported the incident to

the police and the gentlemen were apprehended.


The police have informed us that there appears to be a ring of ID theft

going on around Tiger Mountain. These people wait until we leave the parking

lot and then brake into our cars photographing all of our ID and credit card

information, not taking anything, so we never know we were broken into. From

this they make fake credit cards and ID and use these to buy LOTS of things.

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