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Bug and Larvae will be in Icicle for the weekend.


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We were at the climbers camp above Bridge Creek Fri night. WazzuMountaineer was there too. The place is becoming a boater's camp.

The second night we were up to the snow up the Stuar Lk road. Sat we were by Roto wall. There were big groups on either side. We watched one date climbing couple do the cruise n thrash. Last time I looked she was hanging by her hands and flailing her foot around like a fly swatter. It was painful to watch. Even my girls said she looked scared. He didn't get laid. I'll bet money on it. moon.gif

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yea, it was full of boaters this weekend. on saturday, we ended up walking downhill from the bivy, towards the icicle and sleeping on a nice flat spot. kind of nice to get lots of sleep without all their guitar playing antics. too bad i missed you Greg, were you in a green Suby?

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yea, it was full of boaters this weekend. on saturday, we ended up walking downhill from the bivy, towards the icicle and sleeping on a nice flat spot. kind of nice to get lots of sleep without all their guitar playing antics. too bad i missed you Greg, were you in a green Suby?


Were you in the yellow sleeping bag across from the boulder? I dropped a loogie in your ear while you were sleeping Sun. morning. the_finger.gif I was in the grey Chevy Silverado and white Toyota pickup.

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Was that you guys parked at the base of Icicle Buttress?

We almost camped at the bivy that night but we wanted a fire and knew wood was more plentiful above.

Bummer. You could have entertained my daughters.

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