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what a coincidence that article is number 130013 on their site. cause if you write 130013 so the 1 and 3s are very close togethert it looks a lot like B00B hahaha.gif


They shut down the main subway line in Toronto for a few hours because someone noticed a fine white powdery substance in one of the bathrooms - specifically at the "Baby Changing" station. After shutting down the whole subway line and evacuating the surrounding area, they brought in the HazMat squad to contain the threat, at which time it was determined to be... talcum powder, just like you would expect to find scattered around at a Baby-Changing station. tongue.gif


Runaway paranoia knows no national boundaries.

They shut down the main subway line in Toronto for a few hours because someone noticed a fine white powdery substance in one of the bathrooms - specifically at the "Baby Changing" station. After shutting down the whole subway line and evacuating the surrounding area, they brought in the HazMat squad to contain the threat, at which time it was determined to be... talcum powder, just like you would expect to find scattered around at a Baby-Changing station. tongue.gif


Runaway paranoia knows no national boundaries.


Although you may think it is easy to identify sugar from anthrax or other possible terrorist weapons, it is not. Keep in mind that touching it or tasting it are not an option, so you have to do other things to identify it. Sugar happens to be one of the more difficult things to identify without scientific equipment. Talcum powder however is very easy to rule out.

Also it is somewhat understandable that their are so many incidents given the medias hype of antrax, and the general publics complete lack of knowlege of anything.


Although you may think it is easy to identify sugar from anthrax or other possible terrorist weapons


Let's also not lose sight of the fact that the anthrax attacks in the US in 2001 and 2002 were the actions of a disgruntled US government scientist (or so the FBI believes), and NOT the actions of "global terrorists".


Why they are worried about anthrax attacks in Brussels or Toronto is beyond me, unless they think this disgruntled scientist type likes vacationing in cold, dark, icy and gross cities in mid-winter.


Sure, it may be difficult to distinguish anthrax from harmless baking ingrediants, but why immediately jump to the worst potential outcome? Why not just think, "hey, maybe this is sugar...I will wipe it up". Otherwise, we might as well start questioning everything..."holy shit, that empty shoebox in the garbage can might contain a thermonuclear device...we better evac the city".


Mindless paranoia and fear is just WEAK...but it will help re-elect Bush and other warmongering neo-con authoritarians, so I suppose it is working (hey, it worked for Hitler...people elected HIM!).

is ricin white? confused.gif


Probably, but it is not a very effective weapon in a solid form, so it is most often found as a liquid. Until someone comes up with an effective dispesion tool then ricin is not a very scary weapon. The exact colors of these types of compounds is kept somewhat quiet so the stupid masses dont start sending talcum powder in envelopes. Oh they do that anyway. For example anthrax is almost certainly not a white powder. There for allowing first responders a very quick tool for figuring out most hoxes. Although anyone with even the slightest scientific back ground would know where to look to find out the answers.

what a coincidence that article is number 130013 on their site. cause if you write 130013 so the 1 and 3s are very close togethert it looks a lot like B00B hahaha.gif



That is some funny shit, BV yellaf.gif


By the same token, most of you will be screaming complacency when a terrorist attack does happen. It's a catch 22. My suggestion as a altered quote would be "Pick up a weapon and stand a post, or simply thank the government for the blanket of security they ATTEMPT to provide"




Was positive reading in Senate office caused by paper byproducts?NBC News and news services

Updated: 8:13 p.m. ET Feb. 18, 2004


WASHINGTON - Investigators seeking the source of the ricin detected two weeks ago in a Senate office building have raised the possibility that the positive test that forced the evacuation of lawmakers and staff members may have been caused by paper byproducts, not the deadly poison, NBC News has learned.

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