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Cordillera Darwin


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Sorry to be a little off topic, but here it goes...


I´m currently in Ushuaia, Arg. (Tierra del Fuego) and am looking to do some climbing in the Cordillera Darwin, a remote range off on islands off the west coast of TDF, Chile. I´m having a hell of a time finding out much information from locals as it seems the Argentinians and Chileans really don´t like each other down in these parts (they both are trying to defend their right to the southernmost tip of the world) and the Argentinians don´t want to divulge any information about anything Chilean in this area.


So, my question is, has anybody ever done any climbing in the area (Monte Darwin, others...) and if so, could you please divulge any info regarding logistics of getting there, time, permits, etc?? This is a very remote range and I´m having trouble finding any info on the internet. Any help would be appreciated...




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Not off topic Dalius. Climbing questions are quite ON topic here.


Anyways, since you are not in the US it might be hard to get your hands directly on AAJ copies. You might be able to get some info from their library or librarians. Here's a link for you.


AAJ library


Take some photos for all of us stuck here at home.

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yeah simon yates was there a year or two ago with a crew. other trips have been by gordon wiltsie and there have been some chilean expeditions too.


in addition to AAJ there was a piece in National Geographic a few years ago.


Basically the weather sucks and the routes are all involving steep rime and so on. Take lotsa pickets is the only apparently pertinent info; and extra food cause the boat might not be able to get back in to get you if its storming really badly.


Sounds like a good place for an adventure. Report back. with pictures cool.gif

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I believe Jim Wickwire did a trip there with Charlie Porter a number of years ago, there is a limited bit of information in Wickwire's autobiography. Might at least find the year and then perhaps it will be in the corresponding AAJ.

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Thanks for the info. I´m in the process of contacting some folks down here that might know some more information. It´s amazing how few people have been to this place, or have even heard of it. Looks pretty stellar though, if the weather is nice!




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A couple of more tips. Try the local alpine club there in town. If you email me, I will give you a couple of contacts in the area I know from climbing in Los Glaciares.

There is much to be done and explored in the area, but access and weather are difficult at best. A wild place for sure.

I am in Mendoza now, just finished guiding. I was hoping to head down that way, but I think it will wait for next year. I want some dry rock now, and the national wine festival is here in two weeks. Cant miss that, with all the wine to drink, and beautiful women to chat with !

Play safe!


Eric Murphy


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