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Meth Labs around Mt. Si


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While we're on the topic of weird stuff in the woods, who else has ever come across strange stuff while out wandering around? What's the stragest stuff you've seen? I've seen a 5 gallon empty gas can in the middle of nowhere, a pack full of nicely organized clothes stashed under a rock - and the pack looked as though it had been there for years, and a bunch of other weird stuff that isn't coming to mind at the moment. I once saw a weird tarp / plywood setup full of crap up in the chumstick mt. area once too - that was kinda suspicious.

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I know of the shack in question on Si (as does probably anyone that has gone up to Tenneriffe) and I have spoke with the owner there in the past. There is no running water or electricity (hence the rain barrels and diesel). He's a nice enough guy and says that he owns the property and that there's a lot of private property on the backside of Mt Si. It's just a vacation/hunting cabin for him.


I guess that doesn't mean it's not a meth lab, but it's a pretty big conclusion to jump to.


If you're a redneck with an old cabin in the woods - watch out - you're about to get raided.

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What about these new labs that they found in the past couple days. Apparently whatever checmical they are using can kill you if you inhale it.


There are lots of things that will kill you if you inhale them in enough quantity. I am sure they are refering to amonia that is found in most meth labs. Everything else that is found in a meth lab can be found in a combination of your basement, garage and under the kitchen sink. I wont list them out because that might encourage someone.

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Strnge but didn't find it on a trip,

A few years back I was working at a boatyard. I got aservice call to fix a pump. When I went out I ended up at about 500 ft altitude about 4 miles from the closest water. This old guy had started building a 30 meter Barkentine up there and was still going at it. No docks so we had to climb a tree to get on the deck so I could fix his grey water pump crazy.gif

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I live up near the end of a dead end dirt road. Across from my place is a parcel for sale. The parcel has been on the market for quite some time, and yet it seems few potential buyers ever arrive to look...


It seems the neighbors have an unspoken but understood conspiracy to insure almost no members of the curious public ever make it that far.


Most visitors ignore the aged variety of "No Trespassing" "No Hunting" "Private Property" signs marking the boundry between paved county and private dirt road. Perhaps they feel a twinge of conscience about driving up a private road, but no matter.


Then a mile up the road, visitors encounter the first real test of their will: a green official looking gate (always open except during hunting season) with a sign that says "Restricted Area--Authorized Personnel Only. Visitors Check in at Office." Of course the gate is just a relic, probably stolen from some government site somewhere years ago. But its enough that many turn around there.


If they continue, they enter the antique farm implement graveyard. Lining both sides of the road are dozens of pieces of old rusty machinery. Propped among or hanging from the machinery are dozens of skulls--deer, horse, cow, etc. Each of the skulls has reflector lights embedded in the empty eye sockets. At night this is particularly spooky. They are being watched by dozens of dead creatures with living eyes.


If this doesn't stop people, sometimes the fake skeleton hanging from a noose from an old apple trees does.


Beyond the hanging skeleton, visitors encounter a sea of old cars, trucks, vans and campers. Windshields broken, sides shot up, one burnt out, another sinking into the earth. Visitors are left to wonder if these are the Mad Max remains of those that dared trespass before them...


If they continue, they are immediately chased by my nieghbors two fast dogs, who recognize who does and doesn't live beyond him. If they don't recognize you, your vehicle is swarmed by several angry loud mutts, thereby blowing any quiet cover they might have had. Now they are freaked.


And then there is the last neighbor's sign before my place. It is a large laminated poster that reads "HEY THERE TRESPASSER!!! If you cross my land (which they already have at that point) curse my wife, drive your four wheelers on my fields, scare my herd, or kick up dust, you've going to get yourself a taste of some WESTERN JUSTICE!!!" Below the writing is a picture of three men on horseback with rifles--the possee. Below this sign is a small crudely hand-lettered sign reading "This private road is patrolled by shotgun three days a week. Guess which three." At this point, most are simply trying to find a turnaround to get the hell out.


I've also noticed an interesting correlation: on the rare occassion that a realtor takes potential buyers up to the property for sale, it seems my neighbors choose to use that time for sighting in their rifles, handguns and shotguns. While the realtor is trying to explain the virutes of the parcel, the valley echoes with gunfire.


Personally, I appreciate my eccentric neighbors. They are good people and they look out for eachother, even if they are not super excited to see trespassers on their land...

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I have run across squatters in the woods near Hope several times. One guy was camped on a fresh landslide deposit at the base of the Mousetrap. He told me the unvegetated boulders "must have been there for centuries" cantfocus.gif


There is a welfare office in Hope, so they can walk into town and get their check bigdrink.gifcheeburga_ron.gif

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whatever, I saw something wierd and I mentioned it. The day an honest city fuck can't fan the flames of rumor on this site is the day that I'll call a bad day. the_finger.gif


I just thank God you weren't kidnapped and held for ransom by the METH DEALERS! blush.gif


Can we get a new METHLAB REPORT FORUM yelrotflmao.gif

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Hey if we're going to give the finger then I consider that a personal "attack" and respond likewise.


If you feel offended by my original response clarify where and I'll iron it out. The way I see it you dont know if I cut and pasted that info from an email or if it was what I really thought. In any event my more current response sums it up better and is true to what is being presented.

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confused.gif Actually Ray I don't know what you are talking about. I don't know if I'm just a real poor communicator or not, but I'm just trying to be a regular guy, spraying away about things I barely understand. evils3d.gif


I respect and encourage your ability to spew better than anyone. I add my own chunks to the splatter, and we have a laff riot.

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