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this stems from a couple posts from today.......

it was a shock to see the old bus removed...but i think it is a good thing...it was an eyesore and a waste fo space in a space limited parking lot...if index keeps getting more popular, i think we will have to limit the amount of seatlites there on any given day....being from tacoma i am exempt....

also the new trail is a bigger i sore....i am not sure why they did this and have never heard answeer to my question about it....but if you do not agree with it, please do your part and cdover it up with the available brush and rocks...the old water course is a grandfathered trail that leaves little concern over additional impact to the area...unlike that mud ramp that is supposed to be the new trail.......keep the old out with the new........

also on my last few visits i have noticed more and more trash...do your part and clean it up.....i dont think it matters if you brought it or what it just needs to be cleaned up....this goes for all the crags..

also on the garbage note, while specialed and i were answering the booty call(stuck gear, not each other) over the weekend we found lasrge amount of trash and litter all over the place, we atargeted the learning cliffs....and i know that there were classes out there from a certain local outdoor club.....if i see that much trash again from a reconized group i will talk to local agencies about it.......

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- quit "beatin' around the bush" about the trash at the beginner crags in the Icicle. I drove by their on Saturday and it was a genuine Mountaineer's fantasyland. I don't make a practice of false accusations, but if they weren't themselves making the mess, they should be pickin' up the area if they be so environmental as that big shot Mountaineer from the "Mountaineers" discussion seems to claim.

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My alpine brother Erik, he say:

"it was a shock to see the old bus removed...but i think it is a good thing...it was an eyesore and a waste fo space in a space limited parking lot...if index keeps getting more popular, i think we will have to limit the amount of seatlites there on any given day....being from tacoma i am exempt...."

Dude! Art is relative. I happen to think that Vantage is an eyesore but am I gonna tear it down?

If there ever is a need for extra parking at Index, it will be a sad day; it will probably mean that there will have been more bolted routes established to attract the sporty masses. They've already ruined enough places. Let them have their road cuts but no more of that nonsense at Index.

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Originally posted by erik:
this stems from a couple posts from today.......

also on the garbage note, while specialed and i were answering the booty call(stuck gear, not each other) over the weekend we found lasrge amount of trash and litter all over the place, we atargeted the learning cliffs....and i know that there were classes out there from a certain local outdoor club.....if i see that much trash again from a reconized group i will talk to local agencies about it.......

Erik- TimL and I picked up the trash after we finished giving the area a once over- I've already sent a message to the trip leader from this past weekend regarding the amount of crap that was left behind. It's bad form for anyone to litter, let alone a group engaged in teaching people about the outdoors.

- fred.

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Word, I'm with ya on the trail thing. That shits gotta go, and whoever did that needs to be slapped.

They didn't even try to restore the old trail. Which would be nearly impossible anyway since it's covered in granite and fully compacted soil. I'd say avoid using this new "variation" and do what you can to erase it.

I'm all about the trash clean up. A porta-potty in the lot would be sweet too. How would we go about getting that?

yo e, we still on for tommorow 11:00?

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