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This guy takes today's prize for wacko of the day


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A naked, samurai sword-wielding martial arts expert screaming, "I'm God! I'm immortal" hacked his wife to death yesterday in a blood-soaked Bronx rampage, police said.


The stocky martial-arts black belt swung so hard, he bent one sword on her head - and also nearly sliced through her neck and cut off her left hand, cops said.


"I noticed his wife was on the floor covered in blood," said a neighbor who went to the first-floor apartment at 2199 Holland Ave. after the noise woke him up. "He was naked."


"She was still alive, she looked at me like she wanted help but at the time I could not do nothing," said the neighbor, who didn't want his name used. "I was just terrified and afraid for her and afraid for my life, too."


The neighbor ran back to his apartment and called 911. About 5:15 a.m., the two cops knocked on the door and were greeted by the blood-stained, naked swordsman, police said.


"I heard him screaming, 'I'm God! I'm immortal! I can't die!'" said neighbor Liz Zacuto.


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What'll you want to bet this guy gets life in prison rather than execution?


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thats too bad...


but read this:


"But Forbes lunged at the cops, and one of the officers squeezed off 14 shots - hitting her partner twice and wounding Forbes multiple times, police said"


wtf? 14 shots and i bet he was within feet of her!? plus she hit her partner?????? someone needs a desk job!



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cracked said:

And if he's schizophrenic it's totally fine that he killed his wife?

No, I don't think that is implied. Rather, jailing/executing someone who is schizophrenic won't really have the intended effect: punishment, and rehabilitation. He won't know he is being punished (if he is schizophrenic, he is already paranoid that everyone is out to get him). And he won't get rehabilitated in a penitentary...he'll require anti-pyschotropic drugs and counselling support.


Locking up people who have severe mental illnesses seems kind of pointless. I suppose it makes the victim's family feel better, but the justice system isn't supposed to cater exclusively to the victim (otherwise it is just vengence). But whatever, the US justice system seems so perverted, I guess it doesn't really matter....whatever it takes for the DA and the judge to get re-elected.

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cracked said:

E-rock said:

Not saying that this was home-boys problem, but have you ever heard of a little thing called SCHIZOPHRENIA? It's a disease that makes people do really fucked up uncontrollable things and think irrational thoughts like "I'm God".

And if he's schizophrenic it's totally fine that he killed his wife?


Run along, Cracked. I think your Ramen is boiling over....

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trask said:

it's simple really. the dude should die. he's a threat to society, especially considering he's a nutjob.

Schizophrenia is a disease that strikes otherwise healthy young males, usually sometime after their late-20s. Both bad people and good people get it. I could get it. Even you could get it!


Of course, I don't keep weaponry like swords at home. Ooops - you have many guns. Hope you are feeling OK... no paranoid delusionary episodes? (I mean besides when you are posting here) fruit.gif

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The guy could have been really high on drugs too, but if he was mentally ill they won't be able to prosecute him in the same way as if he were sane at the time of the murder.


Most schizophrenics are more of a danger to themselves than to others. There are exceptions though and it is sad when someone has some form of psychotic break that results in others getting killed. Unfortunately mental health is not a priority in this country. Started back in the 80s when many state mental hospitals let nearly everyone who could marginally be classified as funtional out to save money. The general public is not educated about mental health and because they are afraid of it, have the attitude of our beloved cracked and trask. "Just kill the MFers!" thumbs_down.gif

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First of all we have no clue what mental disease this guy had, if any. But there are many thousands of schitzophrenics who live their lives without killing other people. This guy was 38 years old. If he were a schitzophrenic he would have been living with it for years. Yet apparently he was able to function in life. You don't become a martial arts expert with severe mental disease. What makes people "snap"? Or do they? I think in most cases people should have seen it coming and might have done something to prevent it.

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14 shots? Damn, how did that cop even get through qualifying? That piggie needs a little teaching like my uncle used on us "one shot, one kill, or an ass whipping". I've missed a few shots on game in heavy timber, but I've made alot of first shots count.


I'd love one good shot at Osama...let me get my .50 cal sniper rifle on the bipod, that's right, inhale....exhaaaalllleeee squeeezeee BLIGGGITYY Y BLAMMMM!!!!! violent-smiley-103.gif That's how you make 'em count.

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I think these guys get the wakko of the year award -


JOHNSON CITY, Tenn. – A Erwin man was the victim of an apparent accidental shooting at a Klu Klux Klan initiation ceremony Saturday.


KKK members blindfolded a new member and drove him to various areas of Washington County, ending up at a wooded area near 363 Bill West Road at about 8:00 p.m.


The new member was then hung from tree with a noose, leaving his toes touching the ground, while members shot him with paintball pellets.


Gregory Freeman, 45, of Elizabethton, was allegedly firing a 9mm handgun into the air as part of the ceremony.


Authorities believe of Freeman’s bullets came back down and hit Jeffery Murr, 24, of Erwin, in the top of the head, exiting near the bottom of Murr’s skull.


Freeman fled the scene after the shooting, but was arrested a short time later near his home and charged with aggravated assault and reckless endangerment.


Murr was taken to the Johnson City Medical Center, where he is reportedly in stable condition.


Freeman posted $7,500 bond and is scheduled to appear in Sessions Court today at 1:30 p.m.


None of the KKK members were wearing their white robes according to reports.



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