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Proud to be an American!!


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Cpt.Caveman said:

Doctorb said:

Wouldn't rather just drop the kid off at Whacko Jacko's house for an elephant ride and a sleep over?


Maybe we should send Jacko over there to take care of all their children. wazzup.gif


Half of them are girls, so we'd need to find a famous, twisted girl molester.

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Doctorb said:

willstrickland said:

It makes me feel proud to kill children.smilie_flagge13.gif


I don't know that the families would respond well to your flag waving, as they bury the children killed with your tax dollars.


Don't fuck with my posts assface. angry-smiley-055.gif That's not what I said you spineless canker crust.angry-smiley-002.gif Don't make meviolent-smiley-012.gif


Quit your bitchin and start campaigning for your candidate of choice snapperhead.


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I stopped caring about politics after Bushco Inc. stole the last election. I'm kind of hoping we get a charismatic psychopath in the White House next year, so we can get started on some truly historic atrocities ASAP. I'm looking forward to slaughtering my neighbors for their food and heating oil.

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Doctorb said:

willstrickland said:

It makes me feel proud to kill children.smilie_flagge13.gif


I don't know that the families would respond well to your flag waving, as they bury the children killed with your tax dollars.


Assume your comment was a troll for right wingers, but here are some thoughts anyway.....


You are either very young, naive or stupid if you are shocked that something like this could happen in a war. People die in wars. Sucks, but that is what wars are about. In WWII millions of non combatants were killed in fighting and bombings that made no pretense at avoiding civilians. 9 kid's is sad, but not a reason to decide America sucks.


It is your choice to hate Dubya. But, I'm with other posters, either excerise your right to do something positive to steer the country in the direction you think it should go or STFU..... you whining Dixie Chick wannabe.




3rd world countries have more than there fair share of sorrow. Buried on page 25A in every newspaper are stories of thousands of deaths due to disease, genocide, natural disasters, etc. I'm sure, those of you who have a hate of our president that is so deep and so irrational, can blame all the evils of the world on Bush will find a way to use these as reasons to be ashamed of our country too.


You should feel blessed to live in a country where your point of view is tolerated and think twice before you decide all 282 million of us and our system of government is flawed. In Afrcapistan, a bleeding heart like you wouldn't live past their teens either and it wouldn't be an accident.


Final thought. Can't help but think our generation is soft and spoiled rotten. Thank god Cro-Magnon man was a little more resiliant or man would have died out and the planet would be dominated by snaffles.

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cluck said:

either excerise your right to do something positive to steer the country in the direction you think it should go or STFU..... you whining Dixie Chick wannabe.


rolleyes.gif He has every right to express his opinion any way he wants. Or have you forgotten about freedom in your diatribe? What's next, "love it or leave it"? Please.

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Ratboy said:

cluck said:

either excerise your right to do something positive to steer the country in the direction you think it should go or STFU..... you whining Dixie Chick wannabe.


rolleyes.gif He has every right to express his opinion any way he wants. Or have you forgotten about freedom in your diatribe? What's next, "love it or leave it"? Please.


No, my point is that anyone can have an opinion on the war, politics, Bush whatever, but that he shouldn't generalize that someone isn't allowed to be proud of our country because we are "baby killer's" in his eyes. In fact, one of the more to the point statements in my diatribe was that living in the US is great because we can all express opinions freely without suffering dire consequences. Don't believe the same could be said of pre-war Afghanistan. So, while it is tragic that 9 Afghanistan children died, our country isn't such a bad place in comparison to alternatives. Heck, we are even free to leave if we dont love it. How cool is that.


I just think that feeling disenfranchised because you didn't like the last elections and then complaining is a defeatest mentality. One possible alternative is to try to be part of positive change rather than picking on people who are proud of their country.


You have the right to think I'm full of it too.

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Ratboy said:

Much better. I agree. But if you will read the beginning of the thread, willstrickland didn't say what you quoted above, about killing children. That was changed by DoctorB, about which will was not happy.


Reading helps but I rarely read and just troll and hate without reading just for entertainment. fruit.gif

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