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The Daily at UW sucks!!!


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They wrote an article on the Climbing Club. Well, it turned into an article mostly on Colin.


They wouldn't let me do them the service of proofreading their drivel, so I sent them an email:


> Be especially careful that there are no typos in our email,

> website, forum.


> climb@u.washington.edu

> http://students.washington.edu/climb/

> http://uw.cascadeclimbers.com/forum/


They only listed one of the three, and they SCREWED it up. GRRRRR!


They totally slighted the club. No mention of our big shows. Only the briefest mention of meetings and gear. They listed my first name as Gary in one point of the article and Greg at another... INCOMPETENCE!!! GRRRR!!!


Klenke, you're right... these folks are destined for UW admin.

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Who thinks that the author (she) of the article was getting just a little wet thinking about Colin?


"When he spoke, the brown curls that frame a high cheek-boned face bounced back and forth, emphasizing widespread hazel eyes. A cobalt blue bandana dotted with little white flowers was wrapped around his head warrior style. In a loose blue T-shirt and well-worn baggy jeans, the pre-mechanical-engineering major looks like a regular easy-going guy."


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Gary_Yngve said:

Who thinks that the author (she) of the article was getting just a little wet thinking about Colin?


"When he spoke, the brown curls that frame a high cheek-boned face bounced back and forth, emphasizing widespread hazel eyes. A cobalt blue bandana dotted with little white flowers was wrapped around his head warrior style. In a loose blue T-shirt and well-worn baggy jeans, the pre-mechanical-engineering major looks like a regular easy-going guy."


sounds like something a certain poster on this board would have said. dont worry i wont name names. yellaf.gif

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On another note, they wrote our email addr as climbing@u, not climb@u. I called The Daily this morning and demanded that they fix it immediately. They told me that I need to email Features, and they'll fix it at their discretion.


At the same time, I emailed CAC, explaining to them The Daily's incompetence. Within an hour, we had set up climbing@u to go to climb@u.


Computing services at UW (CAC) rocks!!! rockband.gif


The Daily can learn a thing or two from them.

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Funny funny thread! yelrotflmao.gif


Yep, nuthin's changed with them momes. You don't expect the Daily staff to moil the day away for the sake of a good article, do you? I think in my six years at UW I maybe read...let's see...zero well-written articles in The Daily. The thing I remember most is that they never got to the point--ever. The suck-ass cartoons in it were the best thing going for it, and that aint saying much. There was once when I was in a stall taking a dump at UW and there wasn't a Daily laying in there with me so I was forced to use TP for once. smirk.gif


And that heavily adjectival description of Colin: come on! This is an article about climbing, not a climber in general.


I didn't know he intends to be a mechanical engineer, though. That's cool. thumbs_up.gif

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Gary_Yngve said:

At the same time, I emailed CAC, explaining to them The Daily's incompetence. Within an hour, we had set up <a href="mailto:climbing@u">climbing@u</a> to go to <a href="mailto:climb@u.[/Email]


Computing services at UW (CAC) rocks!!! rockband.gif


The Daily can learn a thing or two from them.


I just looked at the name at the dude at CAC who helped me... he was one of my students last year! grin.gif

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