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How about this.....


Friday, October 24, 2003


What's a good teacher really worth? How about $100,000 a year?


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Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty (search), a Republican, wants to create a new educational job titled, "super teacher" for educators interested in making $100,000 in salary and bonuses -- but there's a catch. Teachers would have to give up certain union protections like tenure (search) and job security.


"They're willing to waive tenure and seniority rights," said Pawlenty. "So we can hire who we want, fire who we want and assign them when we want and how we want to assign them."


The "super teacher" bonuses would kick in when students improved their scores on standardized tests. Pawlenty is proposing that these "super teachers" replace the entire teaching staff at selected schools where students are under-achieving.


And teachers have expressed a willingness to work with the governor on new possibilities for revamping the education system.


"We have said to him and we have said to the people, that we are willing to talk about alternative kinds of compensation models," said Judy Schaubach, president of Education Minnesota (search).


Click here to watch Fox News Channel’s full fair and balanced report.



Hey Mattp,

would I have found this story in the mainstream media?

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