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I fucking hate


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CC.com. This website is ruining my life. I'm not getting anything done because I use it as a procrastination tool. CC. com is the lamest thing to happen to me since hemmorhoids (however the fuck you spell it).


Also I'd like to bitch about the smell in my car, it won't go away. I'm not drunk right now, I'm just so painfully goddamn bored that I don't want to do anything. There's a buildering problem outside that I'm afraid to top out on because I might not be able to down-climb it, should I go for it?

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E-rock said:

I have a new one now. It's one those fully horizontal chimney problems, but if you fall, your gonna land on this metal grate that has a weird stomach impaling metal thingy sticking out of it. it's fucking sweet.


Here's Dawes on "The Quarryman" for inspiration:






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Hey E-rock,

I got a sick builderin' proj for ya. This employee at Trader Joe's (in the U-District) showed it to me. By the front door, climb the brick pillar (~15ft), traverse out to the awning edge on the metal beam, mantle over the edge (crux), easy walk off the back side. It's, like, totally rad yo.


...actually I haven't done it, BUT IT LOOKS COOL!


You got it bro!





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