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Cracked is....


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1) So smart that he can skip class, not do his homework and spray all day AND still pass all his classes.

2) Going to flunk out because he sprays all the time.

3) Is an anoying little brat.

4) Has dru as his idol.

Choose from the above and explain why. Add more catigoreis if you think I missed any.


Edited by Dave_Schuldt
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Dave_Schuldt said:

1) So snart that he can skip class, not do his homework and spray all day AND still pass all his classes.

2) Going to flunk out because he sprays all the time.

3) Is an anoying little brat.

4) Has dru as his idol.

Choose from the above and explain why. Add more catigoreis if you think I missed any.


Dave, why don't you go to your beloved Pube Club and bitch about me there. Then I won't be around to make you feel bad, and all your friends (should that be singular?) can back you up and make your cock feel bigger. Dru sucks, BTW.


PS, at least I'm 'snart' enough to know how to spell. rolleyes.gif

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cracked said:

Ya, that's one hell of a skinny cord. We had two sixties to TR at Marble. I'm the only one on the rope. I'm sure you appreciate the URL, catbird. smirk.gif

No, I don't get it. I think you'll have to explain it to me.


I can see that the rope is mighty tight. Must be your belayer. Yes, that can be the only explanation.


By the way, it takes balls to post a photo of oneself in a cc.com thread. Way to go!

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he's wearing gorts! yelrotflmao.gif

I read four years climbing experience, with some of that in the gym. And he's been skiing one year.


he's GORT BOY! nice pile coat too! let's climb ice in gorts and a pile jacket, that's it!


oh, and he's annoying and immature and boastful and stupid.

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