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Texas Chain Saw "Not"


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sick! but if you dig that type of stuff, rent "attack of the killer clowns", a very bizzare, well done horror film... it brings a lot of signature effects of the genre into play in a bizarre, sick, perverted film that i couldn't take my eyes off of when my buddy put it on the tube.


i don't even like horror films much, but this one was fascinating..

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Very interesting. You learn some of the oddest things on this site.


When movie trailers proclaim "Based on a True Story," I usually take this to mean liberties were taken but the inspiration was based on an actual event. Whether the eras were the same is not as important. In the case of the original Chainsaw Massacre movie, the setting is the early 70's. Ed Gein was committing his atrocities in the 50's mostly.

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klenke said:When movie trailers proclaim "Based on a True Story," I usually take this to mean liberties were taken but the inspiration was based on an actual event.


The trailer I saw said the movie was/is " inspired by a true story." That could mean just about anything. I take it to mean there might have been some sort of true story way back when, somewhere, but so many liberties have been taken that you'd be hard pressed to trace the threads back to that original event. It could have been "inspired" by some guy showing someone the scars on his finger from the time he was sharpening his chainsaw and the file slipped and he sliced his hand open in 4 or 5 places (the scars have mostly disappeared, but if I look at just the right angle I can still make out a few traces). That could be sufficient to "inspire" someone to write a story about a chainsaw-wielding psychopath.

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