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  • 2 years later...
my skillz is 1337


what the fuck is 1337? oh, wait, I think urbandictionary's defintion is spot-on:


n. 1. Nestled between 1336 and 1338, 1337 is commonly known as a number, or for the more advanced; an "integer"

2. Often misused to satisfy a lamen's ego, the self-proclaimed 1337 will misuse the title, pretending to hold Xtr3m H4x0r capabilties while in fact masturbating to preteen beastiality at 2:00 AM with baggy eyes; anonymously hassling n00b's with better things to do than kill their babies over mindrot such as Everquest and Warcraft. See also "colon debris" and "queefstain""i t0tally pnwed u. u r so a n00b and i am so 1337"

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