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Jon and Timmy


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thumbs_down.gif i'd have to kick myself off if that were the case.


i think what people have been trying to do lately is keep spray in spray, trying to prevent thread drift in the route report forums as well as the NEW ROCK CLIMBING FORUM.


frustrations have apparently arisen from both sounds of the line, the sprayers and those who are trying hard to keep beta clean of spray. so if everyone just sprays in this forum, and talks climbing in the others, everyone will be happy.


i love spray. there is a lot of BS in here, but then there is some great stuff like what SSS posted, and things like that, and the humor here is priceless, and helps myself, and i'm sure many others get through the work day.


so, the simple solution: spray in here, don't piss on the other forums, and all should be happy.


my .02



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Erik, so as not to muddy the day, let's take this to PM.


solution - sprayers confine themselves to spray - erik quits reading spray entirely thus preventing his eminent heart attack - climbers have the whole rest of the site to post climbing shit - erik resigns as spray moderator, as he's alienating people and is obviously in over his head...let him moderate the rest of the site.

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see ^^^ this type of stuff is whats causing the problem. all erik is trying to do is keep spray in this forum here and he gets dogged left and right for it.


lets all remember that it is sometimes difficult to articulate what you are trying to say in an electronic format, ayight? keep spray in here, don't be harsh on the moderators who try to keep the other forums clean, and everyone will be happy.


i really think the subject has been beat into the ground, but it seems each year around this time we have to revisit it.... so visitation has been done, any final comments before we move along? wave.gif

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gapertimmy said:

see ^^^ this type of stuff is whats causing the problem. all erik is trying to do is keep spray in this forum here and he gets dogged left and right for it.


lets all remember that it is sometimes difficult to articulate what you are trying to say in an electronic format, ayight? keep spray in here, don't be harsh on the moderators who try to keep the other forums clean, and everyone will be happy.


i really think the subject has been beat into the ground, but it seems each year around this time we have to revisit it.... so visitation has been done, any final comments before we move along? wave.gif

I hope that is true timmy,, what I read this morning is that spray was no longer welcome at all... the spray section was not mentiond
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Timmy, this is Erik's latest tirade that got me wondering:


Erik says: personally i cannot recall one climbing related bit of info that dwyaner has ever shared outside of his bolting rants. and that certainly does not help anyone or anything.


i cant think of any beta, any stories or any trip reports from dwyaner. no pics that he has ever posted have ever been climbing related, they seemed to tend to be for the purpose of mocking people. so where is the worth of dwayner if he contributes no climbing related information on a climbing website?????


i think there are alot of people who should look at what they post and ask themselves where's there climbing related info? questions, tr, beta, little insights and stories about climbing is what this website is and should be about.


trask says: So not to beat the dead horse even more, but what are we supposed to think when he writes shit like this? The way you (Timmy) explain it, it's okay to spray as long as it's only in spray...that's a-okay with me. thumbs_up.gif Maybe you could tell erik to quit bagging on us sprayers if we contain our nonsense in spray. To me, he's doing the same thing he accuses Dwayner of...bagging continually on the sprayers rather than the bolter's. If this is simply a troll by erik, he shouldn't ban us for responding to his troll. Actually, it's not a troll...he goes climbing with some good climbers and gets all self-righteous and shit. The good climbers say they stay away from cc.com because of the spray. I say if we keep it in spray, the climbers that avoid cc.com simply shouldn't read spray and they have the rest of the good site to get involved in. Pretty fucking simple if you ask me.


One last thing - I've been fucked over and have to post as Incubus. This is stupid. If you're gonna let me stay, why not let me have trask back?


This is my last word on this subject


Carry on bigdrink.gif trask

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If it's not climbing related this is where you post it. Here you'll find topics on just about anything and once in a while some good intelligent conversation. Be warned this forum is not for the thin skinned.


There's an amendment to our Constitution about cruel and unusual punishment. I say we restore trask's good name, and return to the days of yore.



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