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Bitch and Moan.......


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j_b said:

keeping spray in spray is good but not enough: the abusive language has to stop or this place could become even more confrontational than it is.


Pussy. If you're deeply offended by the word pussy, which is simply an arrangement of symbols placed on your screen thanks to an unknown stranger, you've got some serious problems. You're probably the kid in middle school that got so mad he started crying and punched the wall next tot he urinal, breaking his hand. Whatever...

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Dru said:

j_b said:

Dru said:

i heard the moderators have a secret forum where they bitch and moan about the rest of us, but since we can't see it, they pretend to be complaint free.


j_b you are just mad i included you with my list of dwayner and mtn_goat in examples of people so ideologically committed your views will never change. why should they, after all, you all KNOW you are correct, huh fruit.gif it must be good to feel so superior to the rest of us poor confused fools.


and yet.... waitaminnit here.... you and mtn_goat disagree about everything and yet you are both, always right! how can this be? oh man you are reawakening my hangover hellno3d.gif


stay on topic. personal attacks on what you perceive me to be do not add anything to this discussion.


why don't you complain to jon about the use of the term "bitch", derogatory to women, in this thread's title confused.gifwave.gifcry.gif


that is because despite what people think i am not pc. although there is certainly some instances in which i'd find the term offensive.


and rob, saying that i feel superior is a personal attack.

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Necronomicon said:

j_b said:

keeping spray in spray is good but not enough: the abusive language has to stop or this place could become even more confrontational than it is.


Pussy. If you're deeply offended by the word pussy, which is simply an arrangement of symbols placed on your screen thanks to an unknown stranger, you've got some serious problems. You're probably the kid in middle school that got so mad he started crying and punched the wall next tot he urinal, breaking his hand. Whatever...


no, i find using the term 'pussy' to indicate lack of manliness, and assert one's feeling of manhood too stupid to be offended. i dealt with that macho stuff a long time ago. if you were to use it against someone who may be vulnerable in this respect, let's say a homo, then it might bother me.


i think the intent behind the insult is what really matters. i am probably of a different generation than most who post here, and using insults randomly is not part of my culture, but i do realize that it may not be the case for many younger than me. i respect that, but i draw the line at hateful intent.


using insults to gloss over the meaning of the discussion or rally the mob for the assault is a problem as well because it is demagoguery.


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j_b said:

Necronomicon said:

j_b said:

keeping spray in spray is good but not enough: the abusive language has to stop or this place could become even more confrontational than it is.


Pussy. If you're deeply offended by the word pussy, which is simply an arrangement of symbols placed on your screen thanks to an unknown stranger, you've got some serious problems. You're probably the kid in middle school that got so mad he started crying and punched the wall next tot he urinal, breaking his hand. Whatever...


no, i find using the term 'pussy' to indicate lack of manliness, and assert one's feeling of manhood too stupid to be offended. i dealt with that macho stuff a long time ago. if you were to use it against someone who may be vulnerable in this respect, let's say a homo, then it might bother me.


i think the intent behind the insult is what really matters. i am probably of a different generation than most who post here, and using insults randomly is not part of my culture, but i do realize that it may not be the case for many younger than me. i respect that, but i draw the line at hateful intent.


using insults to gloss over the meaning of the discussion or rally the mob for the assault is a problem as well because it is demagoguery.


Where I'm from, it's called "Taking the Piss Out of Someone". It's when you rag on people endlessly, for absolutely no reason, save for trying to come up with the best slam. It does serve the function of toppling the high-and-mighty, though, so I guess it does have a purpose. The Dobe Kung (insert appropriate mouth clicking), a nomadic tribe in Africa, have a similar ritual known as "Insulting the Meat". If I kill a boar, for instance, and get the other men in the tribe to help me carry it back to the village, they owuld, upon seeing the kill, tell me "How dare you waste our time with this bag of bones? And the meat will be gamey beacuse you've killed a Grandfather." By insulting the meat, they can keep people in their place. And hunter whose kill is being insulted will not feel the pride that leads to arrogance.

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you make a number of good points necro but let's not forget that the dead boar is already dead and cannot internalize the insult to the point where it inflicts damage. also, calling to 'kill the palestinians' certainly would have the effect of keeping a number of them in their place but i don't think it is the way to go about it (as a matter of fact i think palestinians have a number of legitimate claims). in other words, trading insults 'to take the piss out of someone' may be fine for some (and it is for me, although i don't join in) but it is also often used to convey a serious message under the cover of supposed 'humor' and that is not right with me.

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Cpt.Caveman said:

but let's not forget that the dead boar is already dead and cannot internalize the insult to the point where it inflicts damage


That has nothing to do with what was presented.


not to mention that being killed is probably more of an issue to the boar than those vicious, hurtful insults!!!!!

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Dru said:

Cpt.Caveman said:

but let's not forget that the dead boar is already dead and cannot internalize the insult to the point where it inflicts damage


That has nothing to do with what was presented.


not to mention that being killed is probably more of an issue to the boar than those vicious, hurtful insults!!!!!


Definitely. wave.gif

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Cpt.Caveman said:

but let's not forget that the dead boar is already dead and cannot internalize the insult to the point where it inflicts damage


That has nothing to do with what was presented.


true enough caveman. i guess it's difficult to get any work done around here.


my last point about true intent still holds though.


a specific example of something that happened a while back on this board. someone posted stick figure animations of us soldiers butchering prisoners at guantanamo bay, and i believe it was presented as some kind of joke (although i don't clearly remember). personally it made me sick to my stomach. lo and behold, a few month later rumors of prisoners dying of unexplained trauma came out in the press (not widely publicized of course). i am sure some of you would argue about the cause of death or even that it's ok to kill them off, but i think most rational people would draw the right conclusions (what is it doing to us?). i won't discuss the 'unexplained' death of 1000's of taliban prisoners in afghanistan, etc ...


in retrospect, it made me even more sick to stomach and i think every one should ponder whether anyone should be 'joking' about violence in such context.

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j_b said:

Cpt.Caveman said:

but let's not forget that the dead boar is already dead and cannot internalize the insult to the point where it inflicts damage


That has nothing to do with what was presented.


true enough caveman. i guess it's difficult to get any work done around here.


my last point about true intent still hold though.


a specific example of something that happened a while back on this board. someone posted stick figure animations of us soldiers butchering prisoners at guantanamo bay, and i believe it was presented as some kind of joke (although i don't clearly remember). personally it made me sick to my stomach. lo and behold, a few month later rumors of prisoners dying of unexplained trauma came out in the press (not widely publicized of course). i am sure some of you would argue about the cause of death or even that it's ok to kill them off, but i think most rational people would draw the right conclusions (what is it doing to us?). i won't discuss the 'unexplained' death of 1000's of taliban prisoners in afghanistan, etc ...


in retrospect, it made me even more sick to stomach and i think every one should ponder whether anyone should be 'joking' about violence in such context.


I posted it. http://www.stickdeath.com


It's great humor. If it makes you sick then what happens when someone get's road rage with you?


What was my true intent then j_b since you are so savvy?

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Cpt.Caveman said:

I posted it. http://www.stickdeath.com




It's great humor. If it makes you sick then what happens when someone get's road rage with you?


unfortuntely, i tend to be the one who more often than not gets 'roadragey', i.e. i get pissed at folks and they don't nearly get pissed at me as often blush.gif


then, i do believe that whoever perpetrates such violence on these guys is no better than they are.


What was my true intent then j_b since you are so savvy?


i don't know. i don't know you (although you do seem to be a good guy when you don't talk politics). and there is the intent of those who posted in this thread rejoicing at the 'humor' (you know, mob phenomenon), and that of whoever made those animations.


however, i have work to get to ...

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i don't know. i don't know you (although you do seem to be a good guy when you don't talk politics).


I'll be as frank as possible. j_b if someone disagrees with you you seem to have all the answers. If someone puts something up that you don't approve of it's a personal attack of some sort.


What I really think is that you have posted enough information for me to conclude that you are better than everyone else since you don't partake in any of those attacks trolls or other things you mention. Which then again might make your better than everyone else an attack on the all the rest of us posting here.


Have fun with your work. wave.gif

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