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the good book(s)


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actually, the bible provides many good stories and parables. there is also great wisdom in the bible and it is a basis for much of western cultural archetypes that trancend time to the present day. thus, do not miss taking a look at guideon's bible if you are stranded by a snowstorm at the motel six in moab for 3 days and all you've got in the room travellers' copy of the good book.





notes from the forward of Rene Daumal's "A Night of Serious Drinking"


"I refuse to accept that a clear thought can ever be inexpressible. However, appearances are against me. For just as there is a level of pain at which the body ceases to feel because...so there is a level of thought where words have no part to play. Words are made for a certain exactness of thought, as tears are for a certain degree of pain. What is least distinct cannot be named. What is clearest is unutterable... If we fail to make ourselves understood clearly, we should not blame the tool we use. "


and it continues. one of the best book forwards I have ever read.




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minx. i can post again. whoa!

you gots the suggestions i sent via pm. for the rogues on this site im fuckin surprised nobody mentioned the 'flashman' series. by george macdonald fraser. hilarious.

patrick obrian is kina famous too for his series. ive read em a few times and now theres a movie coming out next month based on a few of the books. entertaining. based on the exploits of lord cochrane. his cruise on the speedy was one of the greatest naval accomplishments ever.

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wow. thanks for the good ideas everyone.some of them i've read some of them i hadn't heard of, and some of them i'd meant to get and forgotten. keep 'em coming!

picked up a couple of these over the w/e. the power of one and started one about Josephine B yesterday afternoon.

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Allright- long summer of boring fieldwork with plenty o' downtime, so, a partial list.


Days of Salt and Rice, Kim Stanley Robinson

Dracula, Bram Stoker

The Butlerian Jihad, Herbert and Anderson

48 Laws of Power, can't remember

#1 Lady's detective Agency (actually one of the most engaging characters I've read in a long time)

Last of the Amazons, Pressfield

Catcher in the Rye, Salinger

The Invisible Man, Wells

Otherworld, Tad Williams


on deck...

Count of Monte Cristo

Fat White Vampire Blues

The Dispossessed, Le guin

More of the 'Lady's detective agency' books

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