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a DAMN hot climber-chick working at Marmot


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no way! not the way you circle gauys are so "fond" of me! thanks for all the attention.


I guess a few innocent posts about a fictional woman can break you guy's day and turn you into a bunch of pontificating idiots!you flips turned it into a troll. go back and look at the post and really read what you posted...


and, babnik. you know what i mean. let's go dancing, sometime, kid. I'll show you the town!

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Beck said:

trask, see "Beck = THE MAN" post to find out where Babnick was the night of the spring barbeque Mattp so generously organized this spring, I believe Babnik was out in the rain drinking with his homies...


Just keep in mind Beck The Man is often A Tool.


I've been climbing this weekend, so I've missed most of this crap, however I would add this.


I've avoided Marmot because Beck worked there, so I don't know anything about hot climber chicks working there.


All I can say is, despite whether Beck is trolling or not, the tone of his posts just ooze with Beck's charactor, which is that of a major fucking asshole.


I also find it interesting that the organizer of a party for CC.com calls the posters on that site losers

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Beck said:

all of you guys sound like you'd fit in great with the management style at that place, I'm glad to be done with it.


next year we're going to exhibit at outdoor retailer, i believe.


enough with the small time retail crap.

Beck, I don't know about the management, but the rest of the staff are one hell of a lot friendlier than you. Sorry, that's the truth. Maybe you can get a job where you don't have to talk to/see anyone. Ohh, maybe, say, a garbage-truck driver.

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actuallly, spicnter, my office at my other job affords me a million dollar view of the Sound, the Olympics, a bunch of people watching, and a cooler full of free beer at anytime and my own key...



drives a LOT nicer than garbage truck, which it sounds like you are familiar with?

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still getting a kick you guys are so fond of my goings on...


and spincter, i'd have you down to the office for free beer, but i don't think 1) that i'd like you and 2) you're old enough to drink.


going to have a beer with lunch and ogle the last hot chicks of summer from my office up above....go forward with the planning for global domination via Ruxpin Productions bigdrink.gifcheeburga_ron.gifyelrotflmao.gif


next spring we host a big media climbing day over in leavenworth about climber's access issues and self policing code of alpinists and climbers generally.


watch for it! but i don't thnik you'll be tagging along on that one, sorry.

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