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Obscure sci-fi movie


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nolanr said:

Anyone else seen or even heard of it?


Are you talking about the video of Neil Bentley headpointing E10 on grit fruit.gif


or about the thing there is a dusty poster for up on the wall of my local video store? If the latter, heard of it but it didn't look good enough to rent wave.gif

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I saw Equilibrium on DVD a few weeks ago. I would rate it 2 out of 4 stars. Some of the ideas were interesting, but the action scenes were too corny for me, and they were most definitely a 'going-too-far' rip-off of The Matrix.


The story and suspense was lost (or negated, if you will) by some seriously goofy fight scenes.


The puppy sub-plot was touching, though.


All in all, the movie was worth seeing but not personally up there in the superior annals of "thinking man's" Sci-Fi. Not like the original Solaris was for me, for example.

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I love B rated sci-fi. A Boy and His Dog; House 1 and 2; The Army of Darkness; Oblivion; The Blob; Liquid Sky are some I have liked over the years.

I don't think there is a werewolf or vampire movie I have not enjoyed either. My kids grew up on B rated horror, sci-fi and comedy...needless to say they have a weird sense of humor. cheeburga_ron.gif

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