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Rosie O'Donnell has been....


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Aside from our Stock Market, Times are GOOD!

ROSIE Magazine finished, Rosie is being sued, "Martha" Stewart may be going to JAIL (YESSS!!), K-Mart dying on the vine, Phil Donapuke getting scathing reviews for his treatment of his "guest", NRA Pres. Wayne LaPierre, on Phil's insipid show. It's all GREAT stuff!! bigdrink.gif

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Dru said:

cite your source or its all hearsay. and it better not be some guy named cooper on another bulletin board! i want smokinggun.com level of detail with .jpgs of the permit and so on. fruit.giftongue.gif



Ahhh I love the smoking gun!


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I am so tired of seeing and hearing Rosie's shrill, obnoxious voice everywhere in the universe. Stupid agenda-pushing bitch. One day I had the misfortune of changing the channel when I caught a glimpse of her show. On it she had that cranky old hag from the million mom march promoting her anti-gun propaganda. Rosie spent a full five minutes talking about this bullshit! I could literally feel a brain tumor growing because of how stupid she is. I had to go outside and chisel my eyes out just so I could forget her bullshit.


I don't understand this whole gun control thing. I mean, if guns were suddenly banned, then people would start killing each other with chainsaws and sand blasters. At least that's what I'd use (a sand blaster). Or a disk grinder. Doesn't anybody care about the criminals anymore? What are they going to rob with? They have it hard enough as it is, they don't need some stupid hag making it harder to buy guns.


Guns make everything better. Take a car for example: normally it's stupid. Add some guns to the roof and you have a badass machine. Someone cuts you off? No problem--blow them the hell off the road. If they don't like it, tell them tough-shit. It's a perfect plan. I call it the "get the hell out of my way" plan. It'll never happen if that agenda-pushing bitch Rosie gets her way.

- Maddox


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