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Jay at AAI


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We ran into a guided group of six today at the steep section of Baker NR. Jay, one of the guides, was a total class act -- very friendly, offered to let us pass, etc. He told that he doesn't read CC.com, but he's good friends with Michael Layton. Anyway, a lot of people post here about the horrors of running into large groups on a climb, and this was not the case here... May all large groups be just like Jay's!

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Wow! Thanks for the blast from the past!


I met jay up in Ontario, canada a few yrs back at an ice festival. It was one of my first experiences on ice. Since I was there by myself, he made sure to come down to the cold shores of Lake Superior, where I was camping and wake me up so we could go climb. Honestly, one of the most enjoyable climbing days Ive had. He even showed me how to readjust my crampons for the first time.


helloooo Jay! smile.gif



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Quite tasty! I assume you know JohnnyQ?


Hidden Lake Peak was such a fun trip! Guillaume, a French guy visiting our lab, summed it up quite well while at the summit: "With such great views, the warm sun, and the rum, the only way things could be better is if I were getting a massage from a hot, naked woman!"

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Interesting parallel between your story and my story:

I climbed HLP today (Friday) with a woman friend from Holland--thus the European connection--plus I too did not get a massage from a hot naked woman (though the remote possibility was at least there). And although I did not have rum, I did have a 16oz Budweiser stashed at the trailhead. bigdrink.gif

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