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Had an incident last night


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Well I spent a couple of hours in jail last night.


Seems the kid of the people I bought my house from got really drunk & thinking his mom & dad still lived here tried getting in. However, he found his key did not work on any of the doors.


He found a open window & ripped off the screen & came in the house.


Tried going in my daughter's bedroom (was the "guest" bedroom) and he failed to stop when I told him to. He was extremely nasty & vocal and failed to do as I instructed & kept trying to get into my daughters room.


Fearing for her safety as well as my own, I shot him till he stopped trying to get into the room.


I called 911 and applied 1st aid but he died instantly from multiple gunshots to the chest & head.


Fucker had it coming, and the cops saw it my way after the debriefing. I'm a little sad though.


oh well, trask

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CHINOOK, aka CHUBNOOK, in his environment (say that like crock hunter). this big dumb beast lets out a loud bark whenever a noise is anywhere near our house. It's a deep, LOUD, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOF, enough to scare the creepiest of creeps. If someone enters he'd bark and go at their crotch for a sniff, this would prolly scare most folks.

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isn't he just the cutest? the pup's are up here at work today, took them for a morning jaunt up on the chosspile. they found about 4 dead snaffles, and managed to find the nastiest pond to jump in. Gotta love dogs, they always remind me to not take things too seriously.

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dogs rockband.gif


mine are the bestest! i always laugh so much when i take them running. They frolick back and forth across the trail while i'm miserably panting up the hill. They always find the muddiest places to go too thumbs_up.gif


I've got no snaffles in my yard b/c my little one catches them. Talk about a snaffle-hound wink.gif

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How tragic, Trask. Seems a well placed boot in the face may have been a more appropriate response. Not to mention the horrific trauma you must have put your daughter through...blood and gore all over her bedroom and personal possessions....ringing ears for days....psychological trauma for life. If it's true, I have to ask....was it worth it?

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Thinker said:

How tragic, Trask. Seems a well placed boot in the face may have been a more appropriate response. Not to mention the horrific trauma you must have put your daughter through...blood and gore all over her bedroom and personal possessions....ringing ears for days....psychological trauma for life. If it's true, I have to ask....was it worth it?

only my hairdresser knows for sure moon.gif

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Thinker said:

How tragic, Trask. Seems a well placed boot in the face may have been a more appropriate response. Not to mention the horrific trauma you must have put your daughter through...blood and gore all over her bedroom and personal possessions....ringing ears for days....psychological trauma for life. If it's true, I have to ask....was it worth it?


Fuck the boot in the face, Thinker. Meet the threat in the MOST violent way possible; especially in your own home, with the lives of loved ones at stake.


Good job, Trask; sorry you and your family had to go through that horrifying experience. thumbs_up.gif

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Greg_W said:

Thinker said:

How tragic, Trask. Seems a well placed boot in the face may have been a more appropriate response. Not to mention the horrific trauma you must have put your daughter through...blood and gore all over her bedroom and personal possessions....ringing ears for days....psychological trauma for life. If it's true, I have to ask....was it worth it?


Fuck the boot in the face, Thinker. Meet the threat in the MOST violent way possible; especially in your own home, with the lives of loved ones at stake.


Good job, Trask; sorry you and your family had to go through that horrifying experience. thumbs_up.gif


Right....is a 'really drunk' kid is a terrible threat to an average guy? Drunk = irrational and slow reflexes. How much of a threat is that? A swift kick and tossing the MF out the door should get the point across.


So did your daughter help you mop up the gore? Did she enjoy finger painting with his brains, knowing they were splattered all over the walls in her honor?


It's probably a troll, anyway.

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