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Screaming and yelling while climbing


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A buddy of mine screams and swears while leading pitches that are hard for him (ie. strenious, sustained, hard to protect, scary death pitches that you'd never see me leading.)

It seems to help him focus somehow. He yells at the rock, ice, his gear, me, the weather, anything. I guess its how he deals with his fears or whatever, but as his belayer I find it quite annoying. Still, I keep my mouth shut cause I know I'd never get on a pitch like that...

I just sit, watch, and think...more power to him.

(p.s.- he never hangs on the rope unless cleaning away bad rock or something.)

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So I'm at the climbing gym the other day and this kid is on the wall working this 5.11 lead route. He seems to be having a real go of it. Hang dogging on the rope a lot. The whole time, he is yelling like a madman while pulling these seemingly hard moves. This reminded me of another incident last Summer that I had the misfortune of witnessing while climbing at Smith. I thought I might share it with you fine folks here on CC.com so that you may share your thoughts. So I was up in Cocaine Gully watching this kid work Vomit Launch. He also was having a real go of it. Nothing out of the ordinary really was occuring until..."they showed up". Who is "they"? You might be asking yourself. Ah, why the two, rather attractive, young gals wearing the wee, tiny little sports bras. Yes, I must admit, a fine sight indeed. But alas, the kid on the wall immediately noticed them also, while yet again, hanging on the rope. What does this young fella do. Why, he immediately rips off his shirt, bellows out a terrific howl and gets back to it on the wall. He pulls a few moves and then once again ends up on the rope. After looking down in order to ensure himself that the two fine gals are still witnessing his terrific efforts, he once again lets loose with a massive bellow of hot air and gets on the wall. He pulls a few moves and ends up again on the rope. He does not stop his girations there though. Immediately upon weighting the rope with his bulk, he starts kicking the wall and screaming "GOD DAMN IT!" "MOTHAF*CKA SON OF A BITCH" "ASSHOLE...MOTHAF*CKA". The women, having had enough of his antics, continue sauntering up the gully. As one of them passes me, she shakes her head, rolls her eyes, and mutters "What an idiot.". The young man, having then noticed that the gals are no longer staring up at him, then ceases his yelling and kicking. After having witnessed this, I had to ask myself "Why?".


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I think I saw something on that on the Discovery Channel..about apes pounding their chest in a mateing gesture. I think the ape on the rope was trying to show his small dick to be much larger than it actually was in a vain attempt to become the Aplha mle and add this women to his group...which has no one in it.

That would be my guess....did you get it on film? Discovery might pay some bucks for use in a documentary on primate mating.

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Originally posted by Heinouscling:
(Snip) he once again lets loose with a massive bellow of hot air and gets on the wall. He pulls a few moves and ends up again on the rope. He does not stop his girations there though. Immediately upon weighting the rope with his bulk, he starts kicking the wall and screaming "GOD DAMN IT!" "MOTHAF*CKA SON OF A BITCH" "ASSHOLE...MOTHAF*CKA". (Snip)


I once witnessed almost the same behavior except that it was a helmeted whirly with an El Cap sized rack leading the "Dense Brush" variant of the S Face of the Tooth.

I can only surmise that the cause of the ruckus was the age old mystery: "I didn't really want to climb it. I only wanted to have climbed it" syndrome.

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Originally posted by michaeljosephnozel:

Funny thing is. . .it was probably the kid's 300th attempt. But when he finally gets it, he will be a 5.13c (or whatever) climber.

Yea, but what about when he ripped his shirt off? Anymore of that and he will start giving climbers a bad name.


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Sometimes a scream signals a release. I do this occasionally on ice after the last pitch of a hard and or scary lead. I am usually so calm and focused while climbing, so when I am done and anchored in and safe it feels good to give a good shout!

Dan E.

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