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Really bummed out, please help


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AlpineK said:

j b is a prime example of why the democrats are having problems these days. j b is a worthless, politically correct, piece of shit. I'm more in agreement with j b politically, but I would rather shoot myself than hang out with him.



I'm sure that the man means well, and will grant him a certain measure of respect for taking unpopular stands, but I when I read some of the stuff he writes I can't help but hear the voice of the long-haired, acoustic guitar-strumming, VW mini-bus driving, tye-dye wearing teacher from Beavis and Butthead . I think his name was Mr. Van Driesen. This is true of far too many folks on the far left, which is one of the many factors that is leading to an exodus of the blue collar folks out if the party and into the ranks of the Republicans. Exhibit A - The South.


If they ever want to reclaim the oval office and win back any of that constituency the Democrats would be well advised to reclaim the legacy of folks like FDR, Harry Truman, and JFK - all of whom successfully integrated policies that resonated with their traditional domestic constituencies AND championed vigorous, strategically coherent foreign policy to address threats to the US's strategic interests when they arose, all of which were underpinned by a degree of intellectual seriousness and moral clarity that has no counterpart in the modern Democratic Party.



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trask said:

shutup asswipe, I did it for Puget, not you


whoever you do it for is not relevant. just do it that's all.


eat shit j_b you douche bag


yeah right. i am supposed to be the whiner about this when in fact this kind of verbal abuse is presumably what awaits anyone who criticizes your posting offensive crap all over the board. i am not too surprised that exercizing freedom of speech in your presence has to signify harassment from you.


considering your behavior and the content of your posts, why should anyone with any self-respect would want to be caught mixing it up with you? rolleyes.gif

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j_b said:

come on guys, go easy with character assassination, wild baseless speculation, worthless cliches and tenuous logic (have i left anything out?)


That is with out a doubt the funniest thing I have ever read on this site yellaf.gifyellaf.gifyellaf.gif

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