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Goddamn Indian commercial crabbers again


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Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

trask said:



Fuck you shitbag - them dirty redskins got what was coming to 'em.


Trask, David Duke just called looking for you. He wants his Andrew Jackson Fanclub Handbook back, and he said to get some scrap lumber and kerosene ready for next weekend, you IGNORANT RACIST FUCK!

Yep, and I say close the borders to the wops, spics, niggers, jews, polocks, camel jockies, krauts, russians, cubans, homos, micks, japs, slopes, skanks, injuns, and beavers too. Did I miss anybody? Long live us Good Ol' BoyZ!! bigdrink.gif

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Fence_Sitter said:

not true about the makah shit stain...at least what they told the public... they said on TV (i saw an interview with one of their reps) that they deserved the right because it was a piece of their herritage that was being lost and if this generation didn't whale, it would be lost forever... so... whutuvit ?


Wrong again pinhead. The Treaty of Neah Bay (1855) states:




The right of taking fish and of whaling or sealing at usual and accustomed grounds and stations is further secured to said Indians in common with all citizens of the United States, and of erecting temporary houses for the purpose of curing, together with the privilege of hunting and gathering roots and berries on open and unclaimed lands: Provided, however, That they shall not take shell-fish from any beds staked or cultivated by citizens.



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in reality, people have been killing people for thousands of years. I don't buy the shit that the native americans have any more right to this land than anybody else. I used to buy that in elementary school, but then I grew up and realized we all grew out of the same cesspool in asia. Yeah, it's fucking awful that people murdered other people in the name of this country, but it doesn't give excuses for dumb laws in present times.

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Off_White said:

Fence_Sitter said:

not true about the makah shit stain...at least what they told the public... they said on TV (i saw an interview with one of their reps) that they deserved the right because it was a piece of their herritage that was being lost and if this generation didn't whale, it would be lost forever... so... whutuvit ?


Wrong again pinhead. The Treaty of Neah Bay (1855) states:




The right of taking fish and of whaling or sealing at usual and accustomed grounds and stations is further secured to said Indians in common with all citizens of the United States, and of erecting temporary houses for the purpose of curing, together with the privilege of hunting and gathering roots and berries on open and unclaimed lands: Provided, however, That they shall not take shell-fish from any beds staked or cultivated by citizens.



uh huh...until they outlawed whaling... then they weren't allowed to...if they were allowed to by law...why the supreme court ruling? confused.gifyellaf.gif

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Fence_Sitter said:i feel sorry fo the nacestors of the natives too...i just dont wanna give them my money or my fish...damnit madgo_ron.gif


It's not "give them" Fence Sitter, its "keep our promises." This is not the same thing as the argument around reparations to Blacks for slavery, its a contract we made. It's the same thing as the person who bought your property not wanting you to pay for it because they signed the contract a long time ago and they don't feel like it. Its not because of what we did, its because of what we agreed to.

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JoshK said:

in reality, people have been killing people for thousands of years. I don't buy the shit that the native americans have any more right to this land than anybody else. I used to buy that in elementary school, but then I grew up and realized we all grew out of the same cesspool in asia. Yeah, it's fucking awful that people murdered other people in the name of this country, but it doesn't give excuses for dumb laws in present times.


Closet SUV driver.

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that ocntract was nul and void as soon as the act of whaling became illegal for anyone... as for the $$$ that wasn't one of the promises as i recall reading...it was an addition later on when the india...i mean natives weren't being productive and they instituted a welfare system... so...

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trask said:

Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

trask said:



Fuck you shitbag - them dirty redskins got what was coming to 'em.


Trask, David Duke just called looking for you. He wants his Andrew Jackson Fanclub Handbook back, and he said to get some scrap lumber and kerosene ready for next weekend, you IGNORANT RACIST FUCK!

Yep, and I say close the borders to the wops, spics, niggers, jews, polocks, camel jockies, krauts, russians, cubans, homos, micks, japs, slopes, skanks, injuns, and beavers too. Did I miss anybody? Long live us Good Ol' BoyZ!! bigdrink.gif


i know i shouldn't, but i cant help but laugh yelrotflmao.gif

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Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

JoshK said:

in reality, people have been killing people for thousands of years. I don't buy the shit that the native americans have any more right to this land than anybody else. I used to buy that in elementary school, but then I grew up and realized we all grew out of the same cesspool in asia. Yeah, it's fucking awful that people murdered other people in the name of this country, but it doesn't give excuses for dumb laws in present times.


Closet SUV driver.



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Fence_Sitter said:

that ocntract was nul and void as soon as the act of whaling became illegal for anyone... as for the $$$ that wasn't one of the promises as i recall reading...it was an addition later on when the india...i mean natives weren't being productive and they instituted a welfare system... so...


its jr polisci time!



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Fence_Sitter said:uh huh...until they outlawed whaling... then they weren't allowed to...if they were allowed to by law...why the supreme court ruling? confused.gifyellaf.gif


The various Tribes are soverign nations, and not bound by US agreements. That's why you can buy fireworks and cheap cigarettes on the Rez. Whoo hoo, that makes them as well off as Mexico. It also means the US can't give away their rights. Besides, we're talking about fishing in Trask's neighborhood, not whaling for the Makah, who probably don't like those folk over there anymore than Trask does. "Native American" is like saying "Hispanic", as if any Costa Rican wants to be lumped in with the Cubans. What are you, some kind of scummy Irish cast off? Odds are my hard working Norweigan ancestors would have spit on your lot. But not me comrade! I'm all for the working class!


Nonetheless, native americans have a larger per capita volunteerism rate for the military in times of war than any other segment of the population. Seems like even though its not their land anymore they have a degree of loyalty that exceeds your johnny-come-lately gum flappery. I'm way too old, but whats your excuse for sitting on the sidelines lately: "sorry, but I was too busy drinking cheap alcohol in Eastern Europe while pretending to be in school."

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yes they aren't bound by our laws...when they are on the REZ...that is why we can buy dynamite wheneer we wanna...but the waters they are fishing is U.S. property and they needed permission which had to go through the supremem court... actuallyi was being devils advocate once again...i am 100% german... evils3d.gif

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Off_White said:

Fence_Sitter said:uh huh...until they outlawed whaling... then they weren't allowed to...if they were allowed to by law...why the supreme court ruling? confused.gifyellaf.gif


The various Tribes are soverign nations, and not bound by US agreements. That's why you can buy fireworks and cheap cigarettes on the Rez. Whoo hoo, that makes them as well off as Mexico. It also means the US can't give away their rights. Besides, we're talking about fishing in Trask's neighborhood, not whaling for the Makah, who probably don't like those folk over there anymore than Trask does. "Native American" is like saying "Hispanic", as if any Costa Rican wants to be lumped in with the Cubans. What are you, some kind of scummy Irish cast off? Odds are my hard working Norweigan ancestors would have spit on your lot. But not me comrade! I'm all for the working class!


Nonetheless, native americans have a larger per capita volunteerism rate for the military in times of war than any other segment of the population. Seems like even though its not their land anymore they have a degree of loyalty that exceeds your johnny-come-lately gum flappery. I'm way too old, but whats your excuse for sitting on the sidelines lately: "sorry, but I was too busy drinking cheap alcohol in Eastern Europe while pretending to be in school."


oh and off-white...i was in teh army fuckwit the_finger.gif

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erik said:

Fence_Sitter said:

that ocntract was nul and void as soon as the act of whaling became illegal for anyone... as for the $$$ that wasn't one of the promises as i recall reading...it was an addition later on when the india...i mean natives weren't being productive and they instituted a welfare system... so...


its jr polisci time!



its angry hippie time!

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Fence_Sitter said:

yes they aren't bound by our laws...when they are on the REZ...that is why we can buy dynamite wheneer we wanna...but the waters they are fishing is U.S. property and they needed permission which had to go through the supremem court... actuallyi was being devils advocate once again...i am 100% german... evils3d.gif


If I sell rights to put in a big ass gas pipeline through my property, and then sell the property to you, that doesn't do away with the pipeline company's easement, does it? Making new contracts don't abrogate old ones made with other people. If the US wanted to give away whaling or fishing rights that belong to other people, they would have to negotiate with those people before they did so. Otherwise, closing my checking account would mean that I wouldn't owe you the money for that rubber check I gave you.


German, eh? I've got quite a bit of that in my bloodline too, and the two nations share an uncomfortable bit of history, but immigration in the early part of last century lets us off the hook, eh? bigdrink.gif

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Fence_Sitter said:

oh and off-white...i was in teh army fuckwit the_finger.gif


You were? I guess I can't keep track of everybody's history around here. Aren't you just turned 21, and round about 3rd year in college? Where did your stint fit in? Being a military brat doesn't count...

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