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Cheap MRI or any other suggestion?

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I have been living with pretty severe upper back pain for the past 6 weeks. My right arm is weak and painful, night & day. It is really starting to get to me and fuck my attitude about climbing and life in general. I am beyond the tough guy, gut it out and don't be a puss phase.


I went to see a quacktopractor, no help, just hurt my lower back. I saw a very talented new age massage therapist three times, helped for about 12 hours each time, then back to the agony.


So, last Monday I saw a MD. He is pretty sure I have a herniated disk and wants to get an MRI done to be sure after 2 weeks of high doses of anti-inflamitory and cervical traction...I didn't even know I had a cervix. I don't have insurance, so the cost of the MRI has to come out of my climbing budget...know where I can get a cheap one???


Any other suggestions?

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I don't know how it would apply in Enterprise, TG, but here in Yakima, they have Farm Workers Clinics, where the cost of stuff is considerably less. I don't know if you've got those near you, or if they would even have an MRI machine. You don't have to be a farm worker to go there. I got all my Hep vaccinations there for WAY less than what the hospital ER wanted.


Just a thought, and hope you feel better soon... grin.gif



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I had heard that yoga was a good way to help back pain. So, one day I screwed up my back, and had shooting pains down my leg for several weeks. I saw a doctor and he recommended an MRI. Looking at the mini torpedo tube, I crawled out quickly after being inserted half way in. So much for machismo. So now it was time for yoga. I did an hour a day for a few days, and the pain was gone. I continued for a while, and my back is fine. I carried heavy packs all summer last year with no problems. I dont know how bad your back is, but don't knock yoga stretches for a good option. wave.gif

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I injured my back OTJ several years ago (don't ask me how a desk-bound engineer hurts his back OTJ; I'm still mad at my old boss for that!) My PT had me doing all kinds of exercises and stretches, not the least of which were yoga-style stretches. I still do them to this day, and have never had another back problem. thumbs_up.gif So mtn mouse is right; don't knock it 'till you've tried it.



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Are you sure that you don't have any health ins cov'g that helps with this cost?


If you find that you do NOT have a herniated disc or other specific injury, then I recommend a book called Back Sense that I believe came out of Harvard Med School staff about 2 years ago.


Back pain is often a complicated subject. I have lived with off-and-on lower back pain for 20 years. My bro the MD put me on to this book awhile back.


Stretches, massage, the right training...it's all good.

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