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Darrington's Secret climbing commmunity!


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holy hickness batman.



And apparently "Kalifornia" is communist. yelrotflmao.gif


"I really think this is disgusting the way we are forced to sell our birth rights just so computers can run in Kalifornia. I hope That Comunist State reads my lips.... Leave the Union. I support Mexico reasserting authority over Kalifornia if it means saving our Lakes and Resevoirs. I know this is harsh but wait till Summer hits and we have rolling Blackouts Here!"

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Billygoat said:

They don't strike me as born and raised rednecks, so I do not feel comfortable about them walking around the woods with firearms. The look capable of all sorts of stupid accidents. plus, what the hell do you need a gun for in the woods these days? wazzup.gif

Gee, I didn't realize that mountain folk had a particular look. Do you mean glazed over eyes, a bit of spittle in the corner of the mouth and a big beer belly? As to uses for guns in the woods, what about hunting, target practice and protection for starters.

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I mean, they don't look like they grew up with guns and are safe with them. Just the feeling I got from checking out the site. Did you even look at all the pictures? The fact that they are walking around just shooting shit, regardless of whether you euphemistically call it hunting or target practice, does not make me comfortable. Plus, not anyone I know hunts animals with a .45 auto and usually handgun hunters use scopes.


I used to think that it was cool to walk around the woods all the time with guns during my late teens and twenties. One day some guys who thought the same were in the woods behind our cabin and stray shots started screaming across our back yard. It took three rounds of 20 ga buckshot through the trees in their direction to get the message across (I then circled around and came up from behind, they were visibly shaken). So maybe you're right about protection...from other idiots walking around with guns rolleyes.gif

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Billygoat said:

Are these guys really carrying guns?!?


Yes, BG they are carrying GUNS! Oh my, lions and tigers and bears, oh my!!!!

I was raised in God fearing, Bible thumping country and I know a ton of folks just like them. 99% of 'em are real nice down to earth people that will give you the shirt off of their backs to help one another and even STRANGERS like you city boys and girls. Would I feel safer with them in the woods or with you? Let me think on this a might. I guess not knowing either of you I'd have to pick the Darrington folks over you.

By the way I know some folks from out that way. I'll tell Dave, Mike and Farren that you all are coming to climb. hahahahahaha You'll know me cause I pack .357.

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johnny_destiny said:

Billygoat said:

Good. I'll be wearing orange so you won't miss me yellaf.gif But you better kill me or I'll rip your testicles off and cram them down yur throat evils3d.gif





In a "real nice down to earth people" kind of way.


Boy, you're sharp as a marble aren't you Geek_em8.gif

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