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New Training Idea


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Just yesterday I was noticing the beginnings of new callous on my fingertips, courtesy of my recent trip to Bishop and a few days on the home crag. I was lamenting the inevitiable coming loss of the small gains made in finger toughness as hardened skin succumbs to our moisturizing climate here on the wet side of the mountains, when it came to me: What if I covered all the keys on my keyboard with 80 grit sandpaper? I touch type, so seeing the letters doesn't matter for me, but I imagine one could produce self stick sanpaper keycovers with letters and symbols included. The more you spray, the more you train! Everyday I am spraying to be the best Northwest face climber.

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yellaf.gif Good idea Fairweather, but I'm an old man now, spend more time typing. I just can't do that every twenty minutes anymore. I guess you'd also have to be more ambidexterous, and our female members (heheh, he said member) just wouldn't get the same kind of workout. Trask, don't say anything.
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