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SARS is coming


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minx said:

the hysteria and misinformation with this is going to drive me nuts! madgo_ron.gif


It's serious but folks this is not going to be the end of the human race!


damn and just to think....i could have had the planet all to myself.



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Okay Wayne, heard on the news this am: 71 identified cases in the US, no deaths. Its being suggested that it may become a problem on par with West Nile Virus or Hanta, something to be managed, but not necessarily epidemic.


On the other hand, I watched Twelve Monkeys the day before all this went public, made me twitch a little. For those who don't know, the movie relates to a near future where 99% of the population has died from a manufactured germ with flu-like symptoms. Then I just had to fly from Reno to Portland sitting next to a guy who just returned from China. No cough yet though. yellaf.gif

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