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Cool protest idea


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This amazing idea from the Boulder Mennonite Church:

> There is a grassroots campaign underway to protest

> war in Iraq in a simple,

> but potentially powerful way.

> Place 1/2 cup uncooked rice in a small plastic bag

> (a snack-size bag or

> sandwich bag work fine). Squeeze out excess air and

> seal the bag. Wrap it in

> a piece of paper on which you have written,

> 'If your enemies are hungry, feed them.'

> ---Romans 12:20.

> Please send this rice to the people of Iraq; do

> not attack them.

> Place the paper and bag of rice in an envelope

> (either a letter-sized or

> padded mailing envelope---both are the same cost to

> mail) and address them

> to:


> President George W. Bush

> White House,

> 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

> Washington, DC 20500


> Attach $1.06 in postage. (Three 37-cent stamps equal

> $1.11.)

> Drop this in the mail. It is important to act NOW so

> that President Bush

> gets the letters ASAP.

> In order for this protest to be effective, there

> must be hundreds of

> thousands of such rice deliveries to the White

> House. We can do this if you

> each forward this message to your friends and

> family.


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This "send the rice to the White House to stop the war against Iraq" idea appears to be yet another form of ineffectual protest. First, the Iraqi's are not people on the edge of starvation. Secondly, your rice package is going to end up in the White House dumpster. It will not make it to Iraq and the "idealists" trying to make their point are wasting food.


Like many forms of protest, this sort of thing does little to change policy, but what it does do is make THE PROTESTORS feel good as if they have done something about the situation, in other words, a form of SELF-GRATIFICATION.


Will we give the Iraqi's supplies and even food?



How about sending that postage and rice money to one of the more competent food agencies and have them feed truly desperate people in places like the Sudan, or to a local food bank here. They could use some rice.


In the meantime, how about thinking up peaceful ways to make a point without wasting food. Clever, creative and kind ways, rather than annoying ways if not silly ways.


think about it.


- Dwayner


By the way, the Biblical quote apparently behind the inspiration for this idea is:


Romans 12:20 No, "if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals upon his head."

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