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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Assless Chaps, So is that how your pants got to be that way...?
  2. Can I get a copy of this pic?? I looked around a few years ago for this picture and/or the x-mas card, and couldn't find either. If I still have the negative, it's buried in a box with about 6,000 other negatives somewhere. Didn't find that box in the recent move out of Yakivegas, but I expect it's packed in another box that did get moved. It could be a while before it surfaces, if ever.
  3. Just got back in after a few days in the field. Sure, espy, just lemme know. Asta!
  4. I once did a headstand on the top of Rainier with a can of Rainier beer balanced on the bottom of one foot. Used the shot for the cover of my Christmas cards that year.
  5. at <50%. at exactly 50/50, it's all just a crap shoot anyway.
  6. Larry, I see where you and NL made it out to the rocks yesterday. Good job! Although they aren't my shoes, check your PMs anyway.
  7. Only mattp can be called effortlessly cool. Shame on you, iain.
  8. hmmmmm... shorter hair, but otherwise, an uncanny resemblance!
  9. Yeah, I s'pose, but I figger she's prolly pushing 60 now and mebbe not so hot...
  10. Potty-trained espirita, While it may seem dated by today's standards, I learned the craft from this old book when it was only a couple of years old. If you can get past the "vintage" photos, it has very good diagrams and demonstration photos for hand and foot placements for jams, locks, crimps, stacking, arm-bars, etc. I think you could get a copy for about $15 from here. The $18 one is the hardcover. You could check some of the other links to get a paperback for a lot less. Mebbe it's gathering dust in a library somewhere...? If you're really interested in getting it, but just can't find one, I'd be willing to loan you mine for a little while.
  11. Followup: Thursday, July 14, 2005 - Page updated at 04:35 PM Body believed to be missing Seattle canoeist recovered The Associated Press YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Wyo. — The body of a man believed to have drowned when his canoe capsized two weeks ago was recovered today, park officials said. Joseph R. Miller, 59, of Seattle, was last seen July 2 paddling in rough water on the northeast section of Lewis Lake, which lies about 8 miles south of West Thumb Junction. At the time, 2- to 4-foot waves and wind of 25-35 mph were noted, and the water temperature was 54 degrees, rangers said in a release. Miller was alone and not wearing a life jacket, officials said. Late that afternoon, a backpack, life jacket, canoe and other items belonging to Miller were found on shore. Using sonar, an independent contractor located the body this morning about 800 feet from shore, in water 31 feet deep. A dive team retrieved the body, and autopsy was ordered. Joe was a co-worker of mine in our Seattle office. I don't why he would have embarked on his paddle without a PFD.
  12. Really! Doin' virgins is sooooo passe'.
  13. Amen to all of that! Nice summary, Rad.
  14. I'm with goatboy. I would add "profusely" after the word "apologized". ncacscademtns: I wouldn't look at something like this scenario as an "eye for an eye" opportunity. Tradegy/serious injury/death was avoided in the first instance, and the mistake was rectified by locking the offending biner at the anchor after jeffski arrived there (I can only assume). There's no sense pushing this any further, even for the "revenge factor" that might have been savored by jeffski had he taken your course of action. Oh, and
  15. This is a really difficult concept, because stability of blocks in this size range is so hard to judge. These blocks are typically huge, and as Cobra Commander mentioned in the NCNP accident thread, we often assess them with a "looks bomber to me" comment and carry on. It's really hard to tell by kicking the thing, because it prolly outweighs you by 60 to 75 times your own weight (a cubic yard of "solid generic rock" weighs about 4,000 lbs. - extrapolate this to a "refrigerator-sized" rock, which is about 3 cubic yards, or about 12,000 lbs.). If it's going to go, you're not gonna know it by kicking it unless it's going right now. There was a car-sized block outside the entrance of this cave near VA Tech several (15?) years ago. It was the standard rap anchor to rig up a free rappel into the cave (Pighole, I think, was the name, for any Hokies who may be reading this and are familiar with the area). Peeps had been rapping off this thing for decades and decades, myself included. One day, a guy from the Cave Club rigs up, goes over the edge into the pit, and the block follows him down. It's my understanding he's still under it. Who'd a thunk it would have ever pulled off? Point is, that size of block, you just can't tell until it's actually going down. Similar thing happened to me at Vantage about the same time as the incident above, but that chosspile is a different story! edited to change the name of the cave after verifying Smokehole was incorrect
  16. I'm with Dan on this. I'm assuming the rope got pinched at some point while jeffski was working the moves. After working the moves, surely he would have noticed that the rope was accumulating slack (since he was on TR) as he ascended to the anchor. Wouldn't this fact have been a call to action, or at least some cause for concern? I don't know the route, so I don't how close the crux is to the top-out, so I may be all full-o-shit on this.
  17. ropes biners harnesses <sex partners specifically excluded from this list > Know the history of your gear!
  18. Grew up a few (HA!) kilometers north of there, near Pisa. While it was a might colder/rainier in winter up there, you should be quite comfortable during the day at Sardinia's latitude. Take some fleece for the cooler days/nights. Have a blast; I loved living it Ialy!
  19. Dru's a fish-clubbin' troll in Fairyland? Figgerz...
  20. Thanks, Paul. The P-I sent me an auto-email telling me that letters are limited to 200 words. Mine was over 400. But I'm glad that folks from the rescue and climbing community did get published. At least it will give other readers the real info.
  21. I don't, but I'm stalking you now. Once I make up my mind on a target, I don't give up. But I'm gonna have to stay late tonight to make it up, just so's ya know. You stay awake for 24 hours every day? And you're so quick on the draw in every forum. I just don't know how you have the time to monitor all the shit that gets sprayed on this site.
  22. Thanks, robert. Yeah, I was pretty amped up at the time. This kinda crap from uninformed tools just gets to me. Thanks for the tip on Dru. It took a while, but I figgerd him out (so to speak - can anyone figure out Dru? ).
  23. Thanks robert. WHEW! He posts so goddamn much it was hard to whittle it down with only 200 posts allowed per search, and I started in Spray over an hour ago (wild guess - wrong forum, tho). Still, it doesn't answer the question how someone can post, on average, 18 posts per day, FOR EVERY FAHQ'N DAY FOR THE LAST ~1,500 DAYS!!! But I found the Force. Thank you, Jedi Master robert.
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