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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    This weekend

    Yoda does that?? I thought he cleared his mind of such things. What's the Jedi coming to...?
  2. and what's in the ziploc in his other hand? I think it's more about what's ABOUT to be in the ziploc...
  3. sobo

    This weekend

    My post count is catching up with the Master... Master has been sleeping, yes?
  4. sobo


    Try it in Manic Mode. No clicking required! Then click Fresh Sheet....
  5. What's that supposed to mean? I see these groups of kids every summer in wilderness areas all over WA that are out clearing/rerouting trail all summer long. I've even run into the same group of kids several times in the same year in widely separated wilderness areas. No, they are NOT volunteers (although the pay is miserable by any standard), so I think it's probably a money issue more than a wilderness issue. And no, they don't get to use powered machinery. It's all sledge hammers, hand saws, and machetes for these kids. I give them a great big
  6. sobo

    This weekend

    Smart as a firecracker, too. It's true, Asian kids must just naturally be smart. There was a lesbian that adopted from VN through our agency just before we went to get Nicholas. She said that it was pretty easy for her, no problems. The Vietnamese seem to be a little more open-minded in many regards. Go figure...
  7. sobo

    This weekend

    It's all a matter of perspective, cost, and how much you dislike the North American jurisprudence system...
  8. sobo

    This weekend

    That timing sounds about right. This trip will net us our second adopted child from Asia. Our little boy (now turning 3) was born in Vietnam, and we are due to travel to China this October to pick up a little sister for him. We wish your co-worker friends good luck! Here's a pic of our little rascal, Nicholas, from last fall. I suppose I have to give a credit to Sears Portrait Studios...
  9. sobo

    This weekend

    Master Yoda surpassed my post count this week, and he's been on this board almost 3 years less than me... More on topic, my family and I will be seeking solace in green leafy spaces cooled by the mist of waters falling from great heights.
  10. sobo

    This weekend

    Good luck with that! A coworker of mine is doing the same thing, it's quite the process. His wife doesn't like it when I refer to here as "Soon-yi" though . Which same thing? Learning Chinese, or adopting a child from there?
  11. sobo

    This weekend

    Whatever happened to old and lousy?
  12. sobo

    This weekend

    Fascinating! My wife and I use The Teaching Company tapes/CDs and play them in the truck on long trips. Listening to the Ming Dynasty section of the course right now. My wife also got some Mandarin language CDs, as our next child is coming from China this fall. <insert "hoping mightily" graemlin here>
  13. sobo

    This weekend

    What is "Chinese homework", Master Yoda? Are you studying the language?
  14. "Bring out your dead!"
  15. Not only was Spike a friend and inspiration to many, he was also a staunch supporter and silent benefactor of our Central Washington Mountain Rescue unit. We all miss him. God bless you, Dave.
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