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Everything posted by sobo

  1. The gap appears to be widening within the last half hour...
  2. OK, now THAT'S really sick. Why is there even a market for stuff like this? And how did you manage to tap into it?
  3. well, it is just sick. And like it was meaningful that we all know that someone could actaully WANT to do that.
  4. sobo

    watch your head

    would appear to be used... and where's the stringie thingie?
  5. sobo

    This weekend

    Oh, that's just sweet. What, you a follower, not a leader? Go on, TLG, make the big move! Hell, offer to go buy beer for everyone, then just don't come back. That's what I do!
  6. sobo

    This weekend

    then mebbe I could really focus and finally get to Camp Muir, huh?
  7. yup, heard that in the Who's Your Belayer thread.
  8. sobo

    This weekend

    yes, there sure are. I am just totally unmotivated today to do anything other than surf this site.
  9. sobo

    This weekend

    The question was reserved for oly. I would not dare to harbor any such pretense of challenging you, O Esteemed Overlord of Post Counts
  10. Axes are aid. There, someone had to say it. Seriously, bummer about the loss, wazzu. Hope someone finds it and gets it back to you.
  11. sobo

    This weekend

    <in stuffy British accent> Sir, is that a gauntlet I spy on the ground before me?
  12. Jeezus! You're everywhere!
  13. sobo

    This weekend

    Enough of this. I'm moving to the 40 goats thread.
  14. Walla Walla Bing Bang?
  15. sobo

    This weekend

    There! That should do it (for a few minutes)...
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