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Everything posted by sobo

  1. There you go, all. Arch hit it on the head. It's not a number that you're going to be able to calculate spot on, but you can guess close enough if you've got your reports and know a little bit about how they're put together. Arch, what is that ratio that can work both ways for/against you? Utilization/obligation or something like that?
  2. so how do you figure your SCORE once you have the REPORT in hand? ChrisT, Go download at least two (I did all three, just to make sure they all said the same thing) of your reports from the site I linked. Compare all of them to see that all info is the same. Then look in detail under the section that's called "Potentially negative comments" or something close to that. If you've got something negative to fix, it'll be listed there (make sure you write to the reporting agency with why you believe it to be in error, or fix it with the creditor first, then check back to make sure it got changed/removed). Then look at the history of your payments to your creditors. Are there lots of "green" months showing or are there lots of "red" months? These reports go back as much as seven years! Obviously, more green is better. As I said, knowing how these reports are put together (which you can get from the reporting agency's site or any quick google search for "credit score" or "FICO score"), you can make an educated guess as to what your SCORE is based upon the information in your REPORT. You really have no reason to know what your SCORE is unless you're going to buy something big, like a house or a yacht or something. At that time, your lending agent will tell you what your score is anyway. Higher FICO scores get you better rates/terms on your loans. Be that as it may, what you really want to know is WHAT IS IN YOUR REPORT AND IS IT AN ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF YOUR PERSONAL SITUATION. Correct any mistakes you come across. The directions are on each of the Big Three's sites for how to go about doing that. It will take some time for you to download all of the reports, depending upon how long your credit history is (over 25 years in my case - took me most of a Saturday afternoon, but my connection speed was suffering that day and I had uncorked a bottle of Cab, too) and the study/research of the reports after you have them in hand, but the reward for your efforts should be reassuring. If it isn't, then you at least know what you have to do next...
  3. so how do you figure your SCORE once you have the REPORT in hand? You average the three numbers together. Now that's just being mean...
  4. I knew that, Rob, and everybody should know that. Jeezus, peeples, it's how capitalism works!
  5. I think many people here are confusing their credit SCORE with their credit REPORT. You can get a free copy of your credit REPORT every year now, by federal law (in all but the eastern states and US territories as of now, as per the link I posted just above). Your credit SCORE is what lenders use to decide if, how much, and the terms under which they will lend to you. Please note that the more credit card accounts you open, CAN have a negative effect on your credit SCORE. Go to the friggin' site for chrissakes! And let this thread go back to willstrickalnd's original topic.
  6. Yes. Don't request your credit score (a.k.a. your FICO score), but you should be requesting (AND REVIEWING FOR ERRORS) your credit report every year. From your credit report, and a little knowledge of how it's put together (which you can get online at any of the "Big Three" credit reporting agencies), you can pretty much figure out where your score is on the FICO scale. I got all three of my credit reports, made an educated guess at my FICO score, and was pleasantly surprised to learn, when we applied for our home loan, that I had estimated quite a bit lower. We have zero debt, other than our new home loan, and we got the lowest interest rate available with no buying of points. Point is, do the math yourself, and save the damage you could be casuing yourself by not knowing what's in your file. And if you didn't already know, it will become law (already on the west coast) that you will be able to get your credit reports for free once each year starting next year or so. Click here to get yours.
  7. Correct on both counts. Again, correct. As mentioned, I have thought of this as a career change, and have, to this point, only talked directly with folks that have done it and made a successful "go" of it. I have friends who make as much (and several make more) as I do. They have opened Subways, Papa John's, Baskin/Robbins, and one couple even started their own business by opening a bagel shop (they have three now, in two counties). I haven't talked to anyone yet who fell flat on their face, so my interest is still piqued... The questions remains, it's one thing to make money, but it's the time off that really is a concern to me at this stage in my personal life.
  8. Arch, Yah, I know. My dad wanted me to go into bidness with him (he was an engineer, too), but I nixed it because of the work involved in opening your own business. Franchises look inviting... and easier than that pesky JD or MBA...
  9. Just bought a new house... otherwise, have both of the above. Does just taking out the home loan douse my fire?
  10. How much time off does she have? Is it hard to get these things rolling, and then can you slack off and let an employee do the work? Or do you have to remain constantly and consistently involved? I've considered a franchise in the past, which is why I'm asking. I am an engineer now, but if there is a way to make as much or more than I'm currently making, and I get more time off, then I'm willing to "used to be" an engineer.
  11. sobo

    hanford chernobyl!

    Is that what that siren was about this morning? And why a fleet of choppers just flew over my office?
  12. shapp is right on about Slick Rock. I climbed it several times back in the early 90's, when there was only one bolt on the whole route. Last time I was there ('95?), I heard from the guys at Gravity Sports (in McCall) that there was an effort going on about establishing a bolted rappel descent line for use in emergencies (???). And shapp's gear selection recommendation and descent caveats are spot on. His topo is different from mine, though, but still works great, from what I recall of the route. Rock & Ice did a one-page piece on this route about 15 years ago. I may be able to dig up the piece (I ripped out the article/topo and kept it) at home if anyone wants it that bad. Hell, on second thought, shapp did such a fine job of providing driving directions, approach notes, route description/topo, and descent warnings, you don't need me!
  13. Hmmmmm, my bookmark doesn't work anymore either. It may be that since they published the guidebook, that link isn't serviced anymore. The authors are regular posters on this site. I suggest sending a PM to either Alex or Jason_Martin for a more direct answer to your question. ...and then let the rest of us know what you learned.
  14. sobo

    25 Viewing...

    EDIT FOR CRAMPON: There is currently ONE search (not a rescue) in effect, for one Zachary Weston, who became listed as overdue on 8/12. The search will be called off at the end of the day. This is the search that I was referring to in another post, as I believe that this is the guy that went up from Comet Falls. Seven rangers are looking for him from Point Success to Camp Hazard, with aerial reconnaissance as well. And the number I provided is NOT 360-569-2210 anymore. It has been changed to 360-569-2211. We now return this thread to bunglehead. That is all.
  15. sobo

    25 Viewing...

    wow, three simultaneous posts, and with bunglehead in there, too!
  16. sobo

    25 Viewing...

    Oh, that's gonna make bunglehead feel realllllll good.
  17. sobo


    So you got some satisfaction. Sweet!
  18. sobo

    25 Viewing...

    Crampon, You first asked the question of Divot's whereabouts at 1124 hrs this morning. It is now shortly after 1500 hrs. If you were serious about locating him, I'm sure that you could have come up with a better plan other than spraying shit all over someone else's thread about a legitimate concern over his upcoming flight. I also see that you have finally posted a direct inquiry in the appropriate forum. Good work. Have you called the MRNP Rangers yet? Maybe it's just me, but I would venture that you could have packed your shit, gotten in your car/bribed a ride, and be talking to the park rangers by now if you were really serious about locating Divot. If I had left (my) town when you first posted, I would be standing in front of Mike or Glenn by now. But instead, you've been lollygagging around here all morning and most of this afternoon. Get on it, BITCH!
  19. sobo

    25 Viewing...

    In an effort to blunt your infantile diatribe, I have just gotten off the phone with the MRNP SAR hotline. There are currently NO RESCUES IN EFFECT. From this I would assume that he is either, 1) Just fine, or 2) Not yet overdue. Since you implied that you got a call from someone that is apparently worried about him, 2) above is then eliminated from consideration. That leaves only 1) above. Have a nice day.
  20. sobo

    25 Viewing...

    Why don't you register your concern with the MOUNT RAINIER NATIONAL PARK Rangers, ya dolt, since that is where he's supposed to be. Don't you think that would be a more appropriate course of action, rather than asking random strangers on an internet chat board? And you're thinking about becoming a climbing ranger...???
  21. sobo

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    agebottom: now that's an interesting graemlin...
  22. sobo

    25 Viewing...

    Oh, wait, Camillo's going around claiming agebottom:, isn't he. Hmmmmm, page bottoms... hmmm... nahhh, we've been down that road already.
  23. sobo

    25 Viewing...

    Not so, Dan. neener neener! And just for spite, I shall eschew the claiming of the
  24. sobo

    25 Viewing...

    As I said to you in an earlier post in this very forum, if you want a serious answer to that question, Spray is not the place to ask it. If you are really serious about locating him, then try his friends, phone, email, PM, etc. If however, you just want to inform us all that he was supposed to be on Liberty Ridge and you haven't heard from him yet, then by all means, go ahead. Now let the slagging begin!
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