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Everything posted by sobo

  1. 35 minutes... half-hour behind ya... but I got in at 10 after 8:00...
  2. Cheers, then! :bink:
  3. Hell yeah! That's all I've been doing since about 9 this morning. :[] I thought about lunch a lot. then answered a few co-worker's questions. then reviewed some back-checked drawings from the drafters. then thought some more about lunch. then I ate lunch. then talked to my co-workers some more. then thought some more about lunch. now I'm thinking about drinking. actually, I am drinking...
  4. you've been on autopilot all day, eh?
  5. 45 minutes to go... just cracked open a Sam Adams... I should be able to get two of these down handily before I turn in my timesheet...
  6. do my next 45 minutes of interweb blathering really count as work?
  7. 54 minutes and counting... then cut the grass, pack the truck, and split for Clearwater in the morning. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
  8. Now that was the beginning to what coulda been a fine epic. Too bad your partner hosed you out of it.
  9. Was listening to Edvard Grieg's Peer Gynt Suite #1, opus 46 this morning when I was trying to get some work done. Now that I'm gearing up fer the w/e, I've blasting Offspring's Americana at 11 on the "Spinal Tap scale." No one's here... really. Well, almost no one. But they all like the Offspring, too. "I'm seeing this girl and she just might be out of her mind. Well, she's got baggage and it's all the emotional kind. She talks about closure and that validation bit. I don't mean to be insensitive, but I really hate that shit! Oh man, she's got issues And I'm gonna pay. She thinks she's the victim. Yeah! Now I know she'll feel abandoned If I don't stay over late. And I know she's afraid to commit, But it's only our second date. Oh man, she's got issues And I'm gonna pay. She thinks she's the victim, But she takes it all out on me. I don't know why you're messed up. I don't know why your whole life is a chore. Just do me a favor, And check your baggage at the door. Now she talks about her ex nonstop, but I don't mind. But when she calls out his name in bed, That's where I draw the line! You told me a hundred times how your father left and he's gone, But I wish you wouldn't call me "Daddy" When we're gettin' it on! Oh man, she's got issues And I'm gonna pay. She's playing the victim And taking it all out on me. My god, she's got issues And I'm gonna pay. If you think I'm controlling, Then why do you follow me around? If you're not co-dependent, Then why do you let others drag you down? I don't know why you're messed up. I don't know why your whole life is a chore. Just do me a favor, And check your baggage at the door!" :tup:
  10. Bummer... Well, it would be a long time in the car... But look who you coulda spent yer w/e with!
  11. the Godfather says "Do iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit." c'mon, ya know ya want to.
  12. Lightning Dome on the Clearwater. Weather's going to be in the mid-70s, clear, with sweet granite, and stellar company (me). Won't have a swarm of folks (never does), and is low/mod 5th class (5.5 up to 5.11). :tup: And it's east side... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay east side...
  13. ...suggests that the organizing principle might be the Russian mob rather than a few individual meth heads... Well, now that you put it that way, my conjecture certainly has its detractions. Damn...
  14. Does anyone see anything wrong with sitting up in the hills a ways with a Winchester 30-06, some 240 grain hollow points, a Bushnell 9X scope, and a clear line of sight? You know, not to kill 'em or anything unruly like that. Just spray a few rounds at their feet and at their rig as they peel outta the parking lot, squealing like stuck pigs. Just asking...
  15. Closed the whole friggin canyon to camping? WTF?? Bastards!!!1 I didn't think about it earlier, but there's a CG about 25 miles to the south, below the ice climb Even Cowgirls Get the Blues/Children of the Sun, that has a bazillion sites. It's called Sun Lakes State Park. It's about 20 miles or so north of Soap Lake, and about 5 miles southwest of Coulee City on Highway 17.
  16. There used to be dirtbag camping in Northrup Canyon in the meadow below Gibraltar Rock. Northrup Canyon is on the opposite side of the highway from the lake, about a mile or so before you get to Highway Rock if you're headed north. The meadow has since been turned over to the equine set, and the road to the circle has been gated, but I bet you could "park yer horse" along the gravel road and waltz on in and camp with them if'n ya wanted to, pardner. There's a precast shitter at the end of the road where the actual trail starts up into the canyon. Bring yer own water.
  17. 2 epics on WR, 3 epics on the complete NR. The standard epic fare; mostly weather issues on the NR attempts and routefinding fiascos on the WR climbs and/or attempts. Not worth discussing really. Oh, and WhereTF is LJT? Seems I can never land that one on the first go round. Always goes something like this: "There it is. It's up there." "No, that ain't it. Doesn't look right." "How would you know what it looks like? You've never hit it." "Yeah, but it still don't look right." I'm such an alpine l00zer on that bit o' granite. Stuie hates me.
  18. "If you bring bivy gear, you will bivy." ...Yvon Chouinard That being said, I did not bring bivy gear on my first trip, and I bivied anyway!
  19. yeah! what crackers said. HEY! Who pulled mtnnut's picture of the Glacier NW Forest Pass "fuck you" sign? That was precious. (Page 1, Post #5, of this thread)
  20. There may not be that much logging in the upper MB/SNF; I don't know since I don't live up that way. But the lower MB/SNF ends near Rimrock Lake in the Tieton Basin. And I can tell you that they're hauling trees left and right out of the area around Rimrock Lake. They just finished logging the area immediately east of Goose Egg Mountain last year or so. [aside]Look at the state map: the eastern boundary of the MB/SNF protrudes all the way down to Rimrock Lake. It comes down to SR-410 and jumps it, scoots around the east side of the William O. Douglas Wilderness Area, hops over US-12, scoots around the south side of Rimrock Lake, and ends when it butts up against the Goat Rocks Wilderness Area.[/aside] And there is a good deal of logging going in the Gifford Pinchot NF south of MRNP. So overall, I would suspect that they could find a price that balances out the heavily logged areas vs. the not-so-heavily logged areas. And all that rot about the NW Forest Pass money going back to the areas from whence the passes were purchased is a bunch of bullshit. You think that the NFS can track that money that well? Shit, the gummint can't even find 11 million illegal aliens. And even if they could track the money, why would they care to? It just goes to pay salaries for enforcement (read: GSHC and others) and more signs telling us to pay.
  21. I call bullshit on that. Those services were well in place, funded, and were occurring lonnnnnnnnnnnnng before Fee Demo ever came around 10 years ago. It is a question of funding, but a simple one that can be rectified by collecting the actual value of the timber sold and minerals harvested, instead of just giving it away to timber and mining companies. If the NFS got their head out of its ass and charged Weyerhauser, Boise-Cascade, Crown Jewel Mines, etc. etc. etc., the actual value of the board-feet and ore harvested/mined, there wouldn't be a need for Fee Demo.
  22. That is passive civil disobedience. What is required to reverse this bullshit law is active civil disobedience. Fee Demo started out as a demonstration project that was later "turned into" a law by being attached as a sneaky rider to an omnibus government spending bill. It has been forced upon the general population without going through the law-making process. That is NOT how laws in this country are supposed to be made. They are supposed to be made with input from the constituency, which Fee Demo was not. Therefore, is it a bullshit law. A law nonetheless by virtue of the passing of the omnibuss bill, but still a bullshit law. So it must be fought to be overturned by civil disobedience. And passive civil disobedience just ain't gonna cut it.
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