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  • Birthday 11/30/1999


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  1. just waiting for the "correction".
  2. My bet is the shelters are nonprofit so don't require such a high level (or any) permitting.
  3. This is the "FreshSat Cloudfree" overlay available in GaiaGPS: (Cascade pass in the bottom left and Sehale Arm along the left of the image are discernable by the light green tracks.)
  4. sent you a PM.
  5. RE cougar sightings: I think a huge part of this is the popularity of game cams. They've been wandering through our yards all this time, we're just now really watching for them with cheap technology. A buddy was the holder of the Boone and Crocket cougar record for washington (is?was?). It was a harvest from the Entiat valley.
  6. BTW, access from the other side (coming in Hampton/Sierra Pacific land from much farther south on Mosquito Lake Rd) is getting attention as a more legitimate access point under the auspice of visiting the DNR Daley Prairie Nature Area Preserve. Its 3-4 times longer but all bike-able. https://www.dnr.wa.gov/dailey-prairie-natural-area-preserve https://www.gaiagps.com/map/?loc=12.1/-122.0436/48.7031&pubLink=HvWt3tXDN4hxcctmlr5OsnYq&trackId=52e0a40a-30fe-4eb5-8baa-692cb581c84c
  7. Not being smarmy: what did the public do to ruin that privilege? I don't see that area getting trashed or abused... But I also 100% respect Hampton's right/interest in closing the place. Fires are real and cost $$$.
  8. Its crazy to think back to the days when he first showed up here and how much her grew from there. Wild story.
  9. is that "(shit work) computer" or "shit (work computer)"? hi!
  10. Not answering your question, but... ... a buddy and I did a version of the Isolation and ended up at the south end. It took us a total of about 5 minutes to secure a ride (i.e. "hitchhike") to the north end at Colonial Creek. I bet this time of year you'll easily find someone to give you a ride. BTW it took us two legs: one to Marblemount (first ride was west bound) and then another eastbound along HWY20 to Colonial Creek.
  11. GONE! Free for pickup in Bellingham: John Scurlock photo, won at a Banff screening several years ago. About 32x24 in nice frame and matte. Bellingham pickup only. TEXT ME AT (360) THREE ONE NINE 3 ZERO 5 ZERO (sorry about the caps but I'm not rewriting that)
  12. Agreed! I get all my important information about titanium sporks on cc.com....
  13. Isn't there a anti-monopoly law (old school, some of the original anti-trust stuff) that forbids single owner dominance of media?
  14. sorry about the language. I'm just passionate about brushy trails.
  15. Not to mention... "closed". I'd bet it stays officially closed through the winter. Agencies are ratcheting up their closures "for public safety". But the ninja does not care. the ninja is only concerned with the flow.
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