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Posts posted by erik

  1. oly they are prolly a good starting point for what you are looking for.


    tho most of what you are looking seems like it would be more for the intermediate class. tho i think you need to take the basic 1st. i dont really know as i am not a member, but it seems like a good way to learn. tho there are other organizations other then mtneers. washington alpine club is one of them.


    have fun


  2. cbs


    one thing is you mentioned ice climbing. i have had what i would equate to my knee freezing. ice chimeny pitch and late that night...i killed...so bad..it didnt matter what position i had my legs in......too bad we were driving home and i had no choice other then to deal with it.


    it went away for me in a few days.


    other then that i have never had knee problems(knock on wood!)


  3. alpi


    go over asttisks pass and take a right. go to a big cave like feature and there are many bolts. start to the right of the cave like thingy....


    its pretty fun.


    do sky ridge instead....it is like 34760-823576283576894576457635765076 times better and you get to rap where ever i may roam!!



  4. its called growing up and reprioratizing what is important to me veggie. i am sure you can relate to some aspect in your life where at one time something that you valued or felt good about changed.



  5. didnt say that. but i think the spray is getting old and tiresome. the same 4 people spraying constatly and in my view stifling the website and its potential.


    climbing website should = climbing content.


    read my tr





  6. so i was finally able to force one of my friends to go to the tieton with me. the place is soo damn cool that it really is hard to describe, the coolness of it. sadly i have only ever cimbed at the crags in the lower canyon, which are quite good.


    so erik and i met at our uncommunicated secondary meeting time of 8pm at the enumclaw safeway.


    i totally prefer the laid back drive up and over 410 and down the american river....camp somewhere along the way as the ice cold beer is calling out to us! pull over and remark what a great spot we found in the middle of the night!!!! vvrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmm oops guess not!! after all the backroad driving we only evert paralleled the damn thing!!


    wake up at 930ish and mull around make some coffee, make some chorizo and eggs, make some coffee and ponder life till lunch time!!!


    the royal column and the new bridge! sure is nice!

    we met up with the WAC group who was enjoying the sun and the fine rock. teaching and learning how to lead climb. funny way they go about it, but had no problems kickin it with them and sharing the rock. hmmmm maybe all those rumors are not true?? i dunnoo? once the sun becomes too much we escape for the river, beer and the yellow jackets!!!!


    off to th store to get ice and more beer and some firewood. rude biatch at the store!!!! go down to indian joe's!! we kicked it for 20 minutes. dont go to the trout lodge, go to blocks down to the sporting goods store!!!!!


    dinner...dinner...dinner.....and more beer!! erik and i stay up late making sure the beer is gone and firewood burned!!......too bed! man why do i have to get up and pee 50 times a night?? sheesh!!!


    up at an early 10.....same schedule as yesterday....today none of the lower crags sound like what we need....so i call a whim and say we need to search for wildcat cliff. where's it at?? i dunno....wildcat road??? up and down the highway watching all the silly rafters!!! there it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    up the road wrong turn, wrong turn, wrong turn....hey!!! some chalk and bolts!!! all right we found some climbing!!!!!!

    don't i notice that bearded man in the trees!!! no way it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woot!!!!! it is the man who shaped my formidable climbing years!!!!!


    the 1st thing ole boy sez is "man your website is too much! too much spray! where's the climbing? i would love to share info and what not, but not with all the spray"..i bashidly shy away from the topic for a bit......so he gives us the grand tour of the wildcat and what an area!!!! so many amazing and hard climbs to be had!!! i convince erik he needs to lead a route that he thinks he is not ready for!!! bling bling!!! with some work and a bit of determination erik gets the send and makes his day???? we go about and enjoy the great rock and nice temps!! at this wonderful crag......towards the end of the day!!! my old buddy coaxes us onto one more route


    ..i call out until i fall and then find myself working the crux till complete exhaustion!!! upon lowering erik asks should i? and i respond back hell yeah!!!! and once a grade, a route that erik never thought he could do!!! he practically flashes it!!!! now that is a day of climbing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    lazy hike back up to the beer and a sleepy ride home.





  7. actually muffy i do not have selective memory muffy and your assertation that i do is bullshit.


    so if they once posted such glorious tr's why dont they now? instead they set out to insult people about their style of climbing. calling them fags and weak. seems like some real winners there.


    so i still do not see your point other then to attempt to deface my statement.



  8. personally i cannot recall one climbing related bit of info that dwyaner has ever shared outside of his bolting rants. and that certainly does not help anyone or anything.


    i cant think of any beta, any stories or any trip reports from dwyaner. no pics that he has ever posted have ever been climbing realted, they seemed to tend to be for the purpose of mocking people. so where is the worth of dwayner if he contributes no climbing realted information on a climbing website?????


    i think there are alot of people who should look at what they post and ask themselves where's there climbing related info? questions, tr, beta, little insights and stories about climbing is what this website is and should be about.





  9. how so?


    can one not fly anywhere in the coast range? so what is the difference between landing once and landing 3 times? it does sound slightly like local elitism. does it have anything to do with the fact that the company is out of arizona?



    i personally dont have an opinion on this, i just dont see what the big deal is.

  10. well that is certainly gonna ruin a really nice area. says that was likely caused by humans. i hope those folks are glad they ruined the area. some of that terrain is pretty remote, i bet with permit tracking they will bust people.


    wouldnt it be weird if the deforrest service used this site as a tool to track and possible monitor some climbers whereabouts and usage of areas in an effort to prosacute??


    anyone who went back there recently get a phone call or a visit by the balck helos??



  11. snoboy said:

    One helicopter impacts hundreds if not thousands of acres of terrain. One touring group would be invisible to another group just around the corner. They are already in many areas in BC. Same with snomobiles.


    Why can there not be one little area set aside for non motorized recreation?


    can you not fly into the wadd range currently? as well as the rest of the listed mtns?? i thought only world heritage parks had a complete ban on all mechincal anything!



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