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Posts posted by erik

  1. i think the aircraft are actually shielded from this sort of shite? now more importantly think of your nutz when you place your laptop on your lap and turn it on!!! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzappp!!!!!!



  2. i have had shoes recently resoled at both. ramuta's had a quick turn around and the resole has lasted thru many days of climbing. dave page took 2 weeks and the the job is shit. he has bulked up the toe by adding rand material and now it feels insensitive.


    go ramuta or valley cobbler in kent over dave page.



  3. they are all about the same.

    the 1st kramer book had a binding that has lasted the other two just plain suck. look for it to fall aparat in less then a years time. i heard a rumor that guidebook authors do this to help increase book sales. but i dunno. sounds more like a warranty issue then anything. maybe authors should replaces jingusly binded guide books? i have quite a few that are falling apart!!!!


    other then that, the old white kramer guide had better hand drawn topos of scw. the nice thing about the newest book is that kramer went with pictures and i guess there are lotsa new bolted routes too, as well as a few crack routes.


    tho sadly there are no pics of scuzzy, so what good is the new book? and actually i personally think most of the pics dont convey a good image or what i see lworth as. but what do i know?? mostly nothing.



  4. i used to have these ups and downs. now i just climb pretty much with the same 3 or 4 people. we all share same the ideas and ethics and love to annoy the fuck out of each other.


    but j i'll go climbing with you on sunday.



  5. well i could really care less of what you know. i see my life as something that i will shape with my experiences and lessons. i do not want to live in some shit infested poor me world where i continually attempt to define myself in order to give myself some sort of labeled self value. i love myself and i love my friends, i am more interested in the positive aspects in life and not how to manage a failing existance, even with a shiney exterior.


    so please feel free not to share your exisitances and lifes faliures, because as you fume with your shit lives and tell everyone how life sucks, because you have a problem and you expect someone else to fix it then you are exactly the problem.



  6. i disagree sure things take time, but there is always a point of no return, where you have wasted more then have gotten back. seems futile really. not my point tho..it is the fact that you dont offer any perspective, and especially one that is healthy and allows others to learn and progress. you have problems, dont attempt to project them onto other people, i dont care if you like kink, if your husband, wife sleeps around, if you hate marriage. why turn something positive into something negative and see most of you doing just that. just cuz you are losers, dont attempt to make other believe that is how it is.



  7. the funniest thing is to hear you all complain about relationships, offer your advice, but i dont think one of ya has even completed a successful one? i dunno, prolly wrong, but i think the people whom have the most to offer on it are the ones whom have failed the most? why take advice from someone who has failed continually? sure keep trying but to attempt to offer or jade people with your shitty advice on what i see as "how to fail in a realationship" seems dumb!



  8. rumr, feel free to fill in the blanks for us!


    went to yose with a couple of homies:

    _____________________________________________ ________________________________ _______________________________________ ________________ ____________________________ _______ ______ _______ _____________ _________________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______ _______________________________________ ________________________________________ ____________ ____________________________________________ ________________________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________ ______________________________________________ __________________________ ________________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________ _______________


    it was rad! rockband.gif

  9. NAH iain was there...he stole like 3 grams outta my pouch!!


    and we climbed with dfa on friday and saturday down in the lower gorge. he says his hiatus from cc.com recently was due to an extended trip to indian creek and learn and excel at sending gear routes! and boi was dfa making the lower gorge look like his personal play ground! allez! allez!



  10. yellaf.gif


    well that would be my friend pete and he is my attorney, so at the advice of my attorney....


    "If you're goin that far, why not go to where there's real ice - like Canada. That way you don't actually have to hang out in colorado."




    and now i must bid you adeiu as i am going climbing!



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