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Posts posted by erik

  1. Sphinx said:

    Finally! fruit.gif Trask, you're addicted and you know it. smirk.gif


    hopefully you will be next!!! tho your other avatar should stay he isnt so negative and always attempting to stir up shit.



  2. the nikes sole is one piece and not 8 like some of the others ones....seperated and raised soles fall off much quicker, they seem to be more susceptible falling apart. i think it has to do with the fact that they are small pieces and not larger ones.


    either way, i will crush you all!!! barefoot or in my chacos!!!





  3. i um realize that people!!!! or course they wear out...but the sole does not need to come off in less then 6 months....


    and i am going with nike cuz i havent tried a pair in a while..and the ones i got fit my feet quite nicely and the price was very kind too.



  4. why do they wear out so fast? i got a pait of asics about 6 months ago and they are ruined...flat out trashed. pisses me off that a shoe hyped to withstand the rigors of trail running cannot last a year.




    going to go buy some new ones today...and fuck asics, they dont last.


    i am going back to phil knight after 10 years away.


    sucky shoes that dont last:










  5. f8,


    haffner and its counter part canyon offer summer walking paths with interpetive signs and shit.....so it sees peeps all year.


    bolting choss is no more wore then seeing people build fires, rip down limbs and walk off the trail.

    i bet you that most of the snowshoers/non climbers who see mixed climbing in the alp valley are quite excited to see it and in a positive light.


    you dont have to go to the valley, many places offer you a chane to hone your skills. and lots of places in washington. i train at index b4 i go to yose.


    but no point in arguing about nothing!!!


    i'll buy you a beer this weekend!! bigdrink.gifhahaha.gif


  6. um i call bullshit on calling the alpental valley pristine. it is also short sighted to claim that people need to move to canmore to get better at climbing.


    who cares anyways? if you think this is the only gridbolted piece of choss ten you are seriously mistaken.


    also why is it legit to bolt choss in canada for the sake of mixed climbing, but not in washington?


    these are questions and thoughts and not neccesarily my opinon.


  7. pope said:

    Difficult, long mixed climbs have been put up in the Rockies and often go unrepeated for decades. Some haven't been repeated. And they weren't rap bolted. Part of difficult mixed climbing has always been dealing with the diffulties in arranging protection. You think that you can somehow throw that aspect of mixed climbing out and do this sport/ice monkey busines....and this is going to prepare you for difficult mixed climbing in the high mountains, where there is no string of bolts?


    scott backes top ropes with his ice tools in a quarry. he leads around m9 or so(i dont remember what he said at his slide show)


    so maybe people who do push the grades and their abilities do use these bolts and other such pretend trash to send some of the hardest routes in the world.



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