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Everything posted by David_Parker

  1. I'll make a written tr soon. I'm going to take a nap before I go play on the horizontal ice tonite.
  2. If I post a TR, it is only to inspire others to go out and do a great climb that is in condition. I won't post a TR if it isn't the above. That's it! Sometimes I'm inspired to write a long trip report so I can remember it and so if I bother to, then I'm happy to share it. Other times I'll just share the photos. A smile is a good way to let someone know you're happy. It is contageous and it affects others in a positive way. I see a TR as a smile or grin.
  3. Here's my TR http://www.shutterfly.com/os.jsp?i=67b0de21b355119945b2&open=1
  4. More Americans died in the American civil war than all the other wars combined. I would have fought in that one and WWII if given the chance. All others seem like bullshit. I have the highest regard for those that serve, dead or alive. We shouldn't underestimate what it means to be free. to our soldiers and veterans. Thank you.
  5. yes it is as of Wednesday. No problem, compact snow near the top. We had to hack away the end of a blowdown with our ice axes though. Just squeeked through.
  6. sawn these on ebay. Great price and they http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3636866816&category=36268
  7. I don't know what your even talking about. Where do you get them, how much.... I don't expect to use my plastics too much unless it's really cold, so I want warmth to be the leading factor. I'll be in NH and Maine over x-mas.
  8. Nothing wrong really with my plastic Koflachs, but I could use new bladders. Any cheap sources? What else works besides going to koflach? My boots are "older".
  9. Carolyn, amazing that we think alike. I had the exact same question. Then I came up with the answer, but I forgot it. I think the tough pick will sustain more torque and twisting for the "M" routes. It's not about hitting the rock with your tool. I have to look at the catalogue again. Right now I'm going to do an alpine route. I have the alaska pick on my alpine tools, but might want my cobras for this. So I'm debating whether to do the big switch (pain in the ass) or just use the alpine tools. For anything less than 80', the alaska pick I'm expecting to bash a lot of rock so I don't want to fuck up my cobra picks.
  10. Some people theorize it was the cause of the Anasazi's disappearence!
  11. How far up Cascade River road can you get? Milepost 19?
  12. I ice climb, my brother does serious ww kayaking. My mom thinks I'm the crazy one and the one most likely to be killed. I don't agree. IMO, WW kayaking is far less forgiving. Once you enter a rapid, it's impossible to back off. Shit happens in both sports, but I feel more in control of my fate ice climbing. I can almost always back off or bail if I find it's out of my league part way up. I have been where he went if he started at Goblin's gate. It's fucking gnarly and once in there is only one way out; the other end. It's total wilderness and no real trail or access from above. to pushing the limits! My sincere condolences to all that knew him.
  13. So does the b52 work better for skinny ropes. That would be one reason why I chose one over the other.
  14. I could see doing it in a single push but it might be more than 24 hours. I'd wait for summer when the days are longest. Also, unless you've been in before, you'll loose time routefinding.
  15. I had an older casio I loved and I'm looking for a new altimeter watch up to $200. Problem is they all are so big now so they can have a compass, thermometer, barometer, toothbrush, scissors, cofeemug, etc. I don't want a friggin' mack truck on my wrist. Anyone know of a smaller altimeter watch that doesn't cost a bunch?
  16. What is the actual vs published weight of each?
  17. Wow, I just sold an extra kodak slide projector for $35 albeit it needs service! Shouda held onto it for another year or 2. They're gonna stop making the classic VW bug too!
  18. I have had good prints from shutterfly.com You need to download at a high resolution to get better prints or if you want larger than 4x6. Don't send photo you've reduced to fit in emails.
  19. my only minor issue is that most of the climbs say "1 pitch" or "2 pitches". Me thinks a more accurate assessment in meters or feet would be nice. With ice climbers using anything from 50 to 70 meter ropes, what's a "pitch" these days? It would help me decide which rope to bring or how many screws to schlepp in on the approach!
  20. Dru, how the hell do you find this shit. Funny!!!
  21. I'm guessing that would be expensive. Much easier the other way, slides to digital images, but that means you carry a slide camera, not a digital camera. I'm trying to figure out how to keep using my digital camera and be able to do quality presentations. Those images last night were so washed out. I'm kinda a perfectionist I guess.
  22. I have the objective, it's alpine/ ice overnight Thurs/ Friday only. Anyone available? Sorry, no newbies.
  23. Last night I noticed a HUGE difference in the quality of images displayed. On the computer, my images were about 10 times better than on the screen, while the slides looked great on the screen. This makes me re-think using digital. Or was that just a cheap projector? Jon, great show and excellent job organizing. This is not a criticism of your efforts.
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