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Everything posted by AlpineK

  1. Climbing Hood is considered big plans?? And why would I want to go to Hood at this time of year on a weekend (especially to debate with a mindless swamp monkey), that place is a zoo! Hood as big plans that's a hoot. You must be quite a climber being able to walk uphill on snow. The midwest is the sewage lagoon of North America.
  2. N Big climbing plans? in Chicago...hahaha whatever If your for states rights then you would fight to repeal a federal law that conflicted with a state law, or at the very least you would look the other way. Asscroft has gone out of his way to mess with laws passed by the states. I think the fact that you can't understand that is related to your notion that you could have big climbing plans while you live in the flatlands.
  3. Experience, as in climbing a lot, will help you answer this question. You want to push yourself, but you don't want to get hurt (too bad). You should try to keep the consequences of something bad happening low (ie. cuts and bruises not broken bones). Climb a lot, scare yourself a bit, but don't freak yourself out.
  4. Dems have never made a big deal about states rights. Yes there is the 2nd amendment which does trump states rights to ban weapons. Your logic is bassackwards on the rest of your statement. If there isn't an amendment dealing with pot and suicide then a federal government run by folks who claim to be for states rights shouldn't say a thing if a state wants to legalize them.
  5. I hear you've been banned from Trask's ewe of the month club for being a sicko and not grooming the sheap after your done with your nasty business.
  6. I was in school in Idaho when the Reagan administration forced the state to raise its drinking age. I'm not sure how gun control fits into all this.
  7. Fairweather: I hear you club baby seals, chain smoke, and you need a stool for each butt cheek when you go to the casino to gamble away your families grocery money.
  8. It doesn't matter how you feel about medical marijuana or assisted suicide. The point is the state's residents passed a law and Asscroft is using the power of the federal government to change it. If Asscroft was really for states rights he wouldn't do a thing.
  9. I write angry stuff to amuse myself and others. I'm not saying I don't, but you are in denial about the angry stuff you write. I'm not always in the mood for a well ordered debate. So kiss it.
  10. Yes I did mean fascist. Asscroft is a Nazi. All you republicans are suppose to be for State rights, however Asscroft has used his office to block OR's assisted suicide rule and CA's medical marijuana law. Both of those laws were initiatives passed by the state's residents. The tax cut that just got passed is all for rich people. There are two types of republicans, rich people and suckers.
  11. Bush is an idiot, a fascist. He's appointed an attorney general who is a member of the Nazi party and the KKK. Bush is not capable of doing anything good. Like I said earlier Bush sucks dead donkey dicks Fairweather you're a pretty angry guy from some of the stuff you write.
  12. I shredded in Yosemite once, at Badger Pass. BUnk resort but we lite up any mountain, anywhere, anytime. If there is any snow left Texplorer, you should jib it up! I think you should demand Tex go skiing with you. I hear skiing is one of his favorite things.
  13. Bummer
  14. I say Bush sucks dead donkey dicks. Please feel free to quote me.
  15. The Lawgoddess skiing on her new twintips
  16. They only have to divest by putting their stock holdings into a blind trust. Dick still knows he owns Halliburton stock, and he'll probably get a big bonus once he leaves office.
  17. So what you're saying Fairweather is the end justifies the means. It's ok to lie in order to get what you want. Dick Cheney and Halliburton didn't feel rich enough, so they talked GW into starting a war and giving them the contracts to rebuild the country afterwards.
  18. Say Trask, aren't you an insurance salesman?
  19. We saw a gate, but it was wide open. There were some tree planters working up there but no active logging, so I guess you don't need a key. We went in on Saturday and came out on Monday.
  20. I would be more inclined to think it was the porcupine than a squirrel. Squirrels usually go for smaller branches and chew the bark down to the cambium.
  21. Skiing in a white out kicking off slushy avalanches above cliffs is a little spicy Mt Rahm Mt. Spickard Matt at the summit of Rahm Looking down from the summit
  22. j b is a prime example of why the democrats are having problems these days. j b is a worthless, politically correct, piece of shit. I'm more in agreement with j b politically, but I would rather shoot myself than hang out with him. Trask is ok Good to hear you had fun this weekend Distel
  23. May 29th is my favorite day of the year too.
  24. While your argument has merit, It was not the stated reason for going to war by the Bush administration. The stated reason by Bush, Rumpy, and Powell was that Saddam had a lot of chemical/biological weapons ready to either lob at the rest of the world or give to terrorists. That was the main reason for war. If the above was true then I think the army should have easily found warheads ready to shoot at them. All those other reasons are nice, but by that logic we better hurry up cause we got about 30 more countries to put down.
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